My name is Ray Roberson, I was forced to retire from Shell Oil Company in 2003.
I had Two heart attacks prior to my retirement and continue to be under the care of
a cardiologist.
Since 1977 until today I have never missed paying my health care premium this is
34 years.
Today I am told that Shell or United health care whoever is speaking will no longer
pay for my Doctor visits, hospital stays or necessary procedures because in 2011,
eight years after my retirement they think I may be eligible for medicare part B.
I contacted medicare and I was told by a lady named Holly that I do NOT have part
B and will not be eligible till I am “65”, I am 60 years old now.
I will run out of medicine in another month and need to see a doctor to get refills
for the numerous prescriptions I must take, it is past time for my appt. with my
cardiologist and I cannot pay for my last colonoscopy which I thought my insurance
would pay for.