I live it Tomah Wi. there was a package mail to me on the 20th of July 2009 from the post office located at 130 W Pine St. Hattiesburg ms. The person that mailed the package said that she put a cell phone in the package before it was closed and processed to be sent out. When the package was recieved there was not cell phone or any inducation that the package had been tampered with. I called a spoke to Joe at the Hattiesburg post office to see what the teller was saying about it. The teller that handled the package only said that he told her to take the battery out of the phone before shipping it but he does not recall if she put it back in the package. I was told that there is not cams at this post office to see the tapes from this transaction to verify what is being told. The phone was my daughters who is in Ms on her summer break and it is a HTC Touch not a cheap phone. The phone is only 2 months old and not had any use on it. I would like for something to come from this and that post office checked for someone maybe taking items out of packages and putting them in there pockets.
My information is:
Venessa Layne
502 View St.
Tomah WI 54660
608-567-0123 or 608-387-5883