unauthorized withdrawals from my checking account when i did not make a payday loan with this company
on july 3 a withdrawal of $50 and $60 was taken from my account without my authorization along with another payday loan company. this caused my account to be minus over 600 dollars which took all of my disability pension check and 300 dollars of my social security disability check. i have not taken out any payday loans since the end of january nor have used a computer to apply. i had two loans out and they were paid off in may. also my computer had crashed in feb. and since i was renting to own it i returned it to the store i was renting it from. i called the bank and we went thru my account and there has been no deposits from these two companies. only the two pay offs for the two loans i did take out. these were paid off in the end of may. and nothing was taken out until july 3. i cannot afford to have my money taken out of my accounts for loans i did not make. and this was quite a shock when the bank sent me a letter informing me that all my savings has been taken and plus 9 charges of 35$ had been made to cover other bounced checks. apparently someone is using my id to make these loans and the bank said before a fraud charge is made i would need to contact these companies and ask for my monies back before any more is taken out. i am disabled and cannot pay my dr. bills lately plus i went a whole month without food. i ask you to please return my money because i never borrowed it and my account shows sthere has been no deposits, abd i do not have the computer but i was told my email can be used anywhere so i have borrowed a friends computer. my email is
[email protected] but if you contact me i need this done asap. i cannot go another month without money to pay my bills and having to give up my disability checks because i am paying back loans i did not take out nor were deposited in my account or sent thru the mail. in fact any advertisement i have received i have torn up and threw away. please return my money as soon as possible if not i will call the bank and bring this to the attorney generals attention. arizona was trying to get a laww regarding payday loans on athe books because many people like me have had there identity stolen and it will take a long while to straighten this up if i am just ignored.