November 22, 2008
False job advertisement / they ask for your social security number
I googled the company before the interview to educate myself. What I found was no website, but in fact I did find a few job scam warnings. I decided to go the interview and check it out for myself. What I found was a big empty office with about 6 other people waiting for the same position. There are 3 or 4 offices where the interview process takes place. The room is empty! The secretary was on Myspace and had nothing to do, but talk on the phone and eat donuts!! The offices are just as bare as the waiting room. When I went in, I guess my surprise to such a bare and badly furnished office showed on my face. The interviewer Scott, immediately informed me that they had just moved in and have not been able to furnish as yet. I proceeded to ask questions. I told Scott that I tried to google the company to educate myself about them, but couldnt find a website. I even called the company and was told that there was no website. Ok...what company now a days does not have a website???? Scott told me that they had just aquired some major clientel and were updating the site, hence, the site was down. I then asked what is required for the position and what is the selected candidate responsible for? I must say, Scott is well versed, he talked so fast. and in circles. Needless to say, I still dont know what they expected of the applicant. Scott went on to tell me that this was a prelimanary interview and that the selected candidate will have to come back and spend a few hours onsite to see if they fit in. I think Scott new that I had done my homework and was aware of what was going on. Up to now I really dont know what the "job" was all about, but I do believe the other people who reported this as a job walking around the mall selling coupons were telling the truth. Ofcourse they told me that I would be called back. They did me a favor and never did . Good Luck to all of you looking for a job in this economy. Its hard enough to be out there, yet alone to be taken by people who think you are stupid. I think this place should be investigated and taken off Monster .com and Careerbuilder. The Monster ad is so nice and professional, dont get fooled. One bit of advise, google the company before you go to the interview. You will educate yourself and if there is no website, be cautioned!!! Good Luck!!!