I ordered DVD's the never arrived. I had e-mail responses with one excuse after another that I am sure were automatically generated. Below are exaples of the responses: The last response I got three or four times to differenct questions to them that I submitted on their website. This all started Novemeber 16th. I still have not received my dvds. I have since cancelled my payment with my card at my financial institution and have also cancelled my card so they can't use my numbers in any way.
Your order has been RESHIPPED
> Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
> We deeply apologize for this terrible delay.
> As you know may already know, your order was shipped
> to the wrong address. It has now been reshipped.
> We are sorry for there being no tracking, but our
> shipping system is down so everything is being
> shipped manually.
Your order looks to be lost due to a problem with our database. When we import our database of orders into CanadaPost, we are having connection problems.
These problems have caused packages to be shipped to wrong zip codes. We thought this problem was fixed before this shipment.
So what we are going to do is reship your order. We are not willing to have this happen again, so we will have to ship all packages manually.
There will not be any tracking, but there will also not be any delays. Shipping the packages out manually allows us to ship any day and not just on Saturdays. Down side is there's no tracking.
Your order will ship out this coming week and take 6 business days for delivery.
I am very sorry for the delay. For this problem, you can use this coupon code after Dec 27th for 35% off.
Coupon Code - 35off35
Again, I'm very sorry for the delay, but our main focus now is getting the packages reshipped manually so that there is no mistakes. Any gifts will be received in plenty of time for the holidays.
Your replacement order has been shipped out already. It was due Dec 6-8th, but with the busy Christmas season, a small delay can be expected.
Your order should be there within a matter of a few business days.
Brian Lawson