I've placed an order of a: "Angel's Psychic Reading.
Which I paid £35 for, online.
I have after some weeks, got a reply that they are having email-problems, and we should wait, and soon it will be ok. I called their number, which has an answering machine stating they still have email problems, but their workers are still able to bla bla bla.
Seems like a scam to me!
Can you help me, catch these hoodlers?
Copy of my recepit of payment and order is below:
Universal Star, Psychic services and readings.
Thank you, payment for your order has been accepted.
Item Name Quantity Price Total
Angel's Psychic Reading £35 1 £35.00 £35.00
Subtotal £35.00
Tax (Inc) £5.21
Payment method is 'ePDQ'
Currency is British Pound Total £35.00
Your details are shown below for order ref: RC4085586
Title Mr
First Name Johan
Last Name Sandgren
Address 1 Vikingavägen 20C
Address 2
Town Lund
County Sweden
Postcode 22477
Country SWEDEN
Email [email protected]
Universal Star Psychic Services and, Readings, Online, UNITED KINGDOM