Axia College/University of Phoenix
I am having the hardest time possible getting my left over financial aid! I have never had this problem with this school doing this until now. My account has been credited for a month now and they will not send me the left over money!!! You know you get the money left over from your financial aid after your classes are paid for, this is for living expences, or it is suppoesed to be, except I am loosing everything because they are too lazy to send it to me. It has been on there for about a month now, but nobody will do anything. I have been basically harassing my financial advisor and all he can say is "I put in a help desk ticket" and I haven't heard anything yet. After 7 days he hasn't heard anything!!! How helpful is that? Then I email the head of the financial aid office and all they can do is email me to contact my financial aid advisor, which I told them I already did so. They can't help me?? How does that work? This is turning out to be a big joke, and now that I've seen all these other complaints I am really regretting taking classes with these guys!!! Do not take classes here! It is a big joke. Now I am stuck here, because if I withdraw I will owe a butt load of money and won't be able to go to any other school until it is paid off!