University of Phoenix

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University of Phoenix Reviews

Felice Larsen December 29, 2010
With only five classes left to take, the University Of Phoenix suddenly returned part of my student loan back to the lender. The financial counselor told me the next class must be paid out-of-pocket before they will let me continue.
Wondering what happened to the AZ Grant I applied for months ago, I checked their website. It said I was awarded their grant. Bonnie Gonzales, a financial counselor at the University Of Phoenix told me she could not find any information. I telephoned the office for AZ Grant that day. The representative from AZ Grant told me I was awarded their grant months ago and they have been waiting for the University Of Phoenix to approve it. Then, Brad Beyer, a financial manager at the University Of Phoenix told me told me I might quality for the AZ Grant, but they are still reviewing all the students who signed up for it on their website and my case was undetermined. Once again I telephoned the office for AZ Grant. They assured me I was already awarded this grant. The financial counselors at the University Of Phoenix lied to me about the AZ Grant.
I was also awarded a Pell Grant two months ago. I am currently not attending class because the financial counselor told me the next class must be paid out-of-pocket by me before the Pell Grant can be applied. This is ridiculous.
Over a year ago, while stating my concern over the high tuition, the enrollment counselors at the University Of Phoenix assured me I would be graduating in May of 2011. I wish I would have paid more attention to the smiles on their faces. There was no smile on my face, but believing I would have my bachelor's degree in May of 2011 was just enough to get me to sign up for the program at the University Of Phoenix. Now it feels like a con artist tricked me out of my time and thousands of dollars.
tinadeestone December 28, 2010
I enrolled at UOP in June of 2009 to get my AA in Business Management. After a year and a half and coming close to completing my degree I began to talk with public universities about enrolling and obtaining my B.A. I was informed that UOP degrees do not meet the state of Florida educational guidelines therefore most of my 64 credit would not transfer and I would have to attend an school that meet these guidelines and complete another AA from the school I chose. So I finished the classes I was currently in at UOP, made sure I passed and withdrew from the school and enrolled at another school to finish my A.A. degree which I practically have to start from the beginning with. Now my financial advisor from UOP is calling me telling me that I owe them $2350. When I ask why, they tell me that they had to return funds to the government that were due to be disbursed next year and I have to pay them for the returned funds. I think not, they are saying if I do not return the funds that they will hold my transcripts until I pay the money I owe. Well at least I was smart enough to request the transcripts the day before I withdrew and have already received them and they can take their threats and stick them. I was made to get loans by my financial aid advisor and now am in debt for a useless degree. I will be contacting an attorney for the cost of the loans, the lost time of getting a worthless degree and harrassment.
stacyl01 December 28, 2010
I have been sent to collects for 300.00. I had received financial aid from UOP. I had phenomia for over two months this past summer. It was so bad that the docter told me that if I did not rest she was going o put me in the hospital. I told Tammy my academic advisor(dumber then a bag of rocks) I cancelled my classes. Then I got a phone call saying that if i did not go back to school I would forfit my financial aid and there would be issues so I told Tammy that I ould try but I cant promise anything. I was still very sick and exhaused. I was so bad that doing laundry put me in bed for hours. Anyway when class started I just could not do it. I called and told rachel my financial aid advisor that I was just to sick. I then get a three hundred and something bill in the mail. I had financial aid to cover this. I was told that it was left over from financial aid and that it was fees of some sort. Please explain to me any normal college would just take that money from financial aid and the student would pay for it when school loans become due. This school is trying to double dip and take more money. I refuse to pay for something that I had financial aid for. And now I have people from collections calling me at 9 pm.
ccj443 December 21, 2010
Pell Grant Disbursment
I was attending University of Phoenix online through Richmond Va. Campus from March 2010 until December 2010. I received my first disbursement for my Pell Grant in a timely manner and was told I should see my second disbursement of 2775.00 in August 2010. In August 2010, I failed to receive my second disbursement so I contacted my financial advisor and he told me I needed to reapply for 2010-2011 year. I did the online application and submitted it, contacted my financial advisor 48 hours later to check to see if he received my application and he confirmed he did and said I should expect my disbursement around the middle of September 2010. This time came and I still had not seen my disbursement so I contacted my financial advisor and he said they are running behind processing the Pell Grant and I should see it in 2-3 weeks. I waited until the middle of October 2010 and still failed to receive my disbursement and once again, I contacted my financial advisor. Once again, he said it should be 2-3 weeks and if I did an automatic deposit, it should be quicker than that so I followed his instruction to have a direct deposit of my disbursement instead of being mailed to me. During this time, I decided to drop from UoP at the end of the semester, which was December 12, 2010, and begin with a new college that was local the following semester. I waited until November 14, 2010 before I contacted John Currie once again. I explained to him about my withdrawal in concern that it may further hold up my disbursement and he told me it should not since it was approved up to December 6, 2010 and my withdrawal date was the 12th, and according to his computer that it was being processed and should be 14 days since they were running behind, before I received my funds. I asked to speak to someone else about this matter and he gave me what is called the University Finance Departments phone number 800-921-1904. Therefore, I called the number and spoke with a young woman there and she checked her records and said the same thing John Currie did that there is no problem with my withdrawal and my Pell Grant disbursement. She also said according to her notes that my funds were currently being processed and it takes 3-5 business days for approval and up to 14 business days to be deposited into my bank account. I once again waited until December6, 2010 and did not see my funds deposited so I checked my academic account and it was showing a zero balance owed no future classes scheduled and a 2775.00 credit. I then contacted Mr. Currie and he was surprised that it was in my academic account and did not have a reason for it and said he will check into it and get back with me. After hanging up with Mr. Currie I contacted the University’s Financial Department about this matter, and they admitted it was an error but since it was in the academic departments account there is nothing more they can do about it. On December 7, 2010, I left Mr. Currie a message telling him about the information I received from the University’s Finance Department. Mr. Currie returned my phone call on December 9.2010 with information that he submitted a ticket(Ticket number 6505593) to release my funds from my academic account to my bank account and it should be about 2 weeks for the funds to be released and deposited into my bank account since they were running behind. On December 15, 2010, I received this e-mail from the University’s Finance Department:
IRN: 9035597953

Good Afternoon Cletis,

Your file was submitted to the research department to determine when your disbursements will be released. Your file is in the process of being researched. At this time, your campus is aware of the issue and working with the processing center to resolve. For further disbursement inquiries, please follow up with your campus.

Thank you and have a Great Day!

Denice, J., UOPHX FA Processing Center
Client Centered Services | 875 W. Elliot Rd. | Suite 116 | AA-L101 | Tempe, AZ 85284
phone: 800.921.1904 | fax: 800.808.5123 | email: [email protected]

I did not understand what it meant so I forwarded to John Currie and asked him to please explain it to me. John Currie Contacted me by phone and said he had no idea what it meant he has never heard of a research department before, and suggested that I contact Denice J. for further information on it.
I then once again contacted the number provided on the e-mail and asked to speak to Ms. Denice J. and a gentleman by the name of Joe informed me they were unable to transfer calls. Therefore, I explained the situation and expressed my aggravation to him about this matter, and all he could tell me since the campus submitted the fund release ticket it is out of their hands and I must contact my campus financial advisor on this matter. I asked to speak with his supervisor and he put on the phone who he called his coach. According to coach (I never did get his name), That he was reviewing my notes and does not understand what the e-mail meant and it was out of their hands and I must contact my campus finance department. So once again, I called John Currie and left him message, explaining to him what they said, and expressing my aggravation. I also e-mailed the lady that generated the e-mail and explained to her what was going on and asked her to please contact me by e-mail or phone and explain to me what the e-mailed meant since she was the one that wrote it she would know what it meant.
It is now December 20, 2010 and I have had no further contact from the University of Phoenix on this matter.
I do have copies of all email correspondence about this matter. Unfortunately, I did not record any phone conversations.
Memdc December 14, 2010
First off, I would like to state that I am currently enrolled with UoP Online. I have read many of the statements posted here, and can sympathize with those who have been having difficulties with UoP.

I enrolled with UoP in May of 2010. Upon enrollment, I was advised to take out the maximum amount on my loans to ''ensure that I will receive money with each disbursement." This was important to me, as I advised my enrollment counselor, I am a single mother of two young children without a car, job, and absolutely no help from any outside sources, friends or family.

My first disbursement came and gone, and as promised, a check was sent to me to help cover the cost of rent and necessities for my children. Around the time for my second disbursement, I had checked out my accounts page. Money had been applied towards my courses and ''books'' with a credit balance remaining.

After waiting the 14 days and still not receiving the credit due, I contacted my financial advisor. I waited two days for a reply, and had yet to receive one, so I contacted the financial aid office. The gentleman I was speaking with told me that I did not have any credit due to me. When I would ask him why my accounts page said that I have a credit, his best response was ''you do not have any credit."

Three weeks of being directed to different people, I finally found one that actually admitted that I had a credit. So when I asked when I would be receiving this, I was told they were going to hold it and apply it to my next block of classes. (Classes that weren't going to start for another two months.)

Now, I have received a letter in the mail yesterday about my disbursements, and this is exactly what it says:

After the disbursement posts to your student account, any credit balance will be sent to you within five days, but no more than 14 days from the date of the disbursement posting.

With this information provided in their own letter, how can they hold the credit balance due to me? This is a question that I have asked several individuals, with absolutely no response. I am aware that in order to continue receiving federal aid, one must maintain satisfactory academic progress, along with a certain grade point average.

My SAP has been satisfactory, along with a near perfect GPA. So this could not be the cause of not receiving the funds. It has been six weeks since this situation has started, and everyone that I contact just simply will not contact me back.

So for those who have encountered this same situation, what is the next step to take, if any? Numerous attempts to contact anyone within the University has failed miserably. So now what?
Justme2 December 1, 2010
Low standarts
I really have only one complaint with UoP and I have done my BSM and MBA through their online program. My complaint is that they allow students into the MBA program that cannot even speak proper English. If you have taken UoP classes online, you understand there is a participation requirement. This requirement states that you must post within the class 2x, 4 days a week. This is a simple request yet some students can barely form a whole sentence.

I would like to see UoP raise their standards for the Master’s program. I expect people in a graduate level degree program to be able to communicate in complete and proper English. With the standards where they are, I am slightly embarrassed to tell people that I received my MBA from UoP.

I really do not see any reason some students would continue to progress without a good grasp of the English language. I have to wonder; Is UoP passing students just for the money?!?!

*Note – your grade is based on your performance but also on team projects
neice08 November 17, 2010
Financial Aid Processing
I have just finished up my first academic year at Axia (Online University of Phoenix). I am a straight A student, and everything I went through went pretty well up until November 1st, 2010. I began my new classes on October 25, 2010, and was supposed to be expecting funds to be disbursed into my student account by November 1st, but my academic counselor made a costly mistake on my application. I am now being asked to wait an additional month and a half to obtain those funds. This is the most frustrating situation because my academic counselor does not act as though he did something wrong, and that when my classes are paid for are an issue to him. This one situation has made me analyze whether I want to remain a student at Axia, or transfer to another university.
nekar November 4, 2010
teachers protocal
I have just one question I am hoping someone - anyone can answer. When an Axia instructor gives an assignment that is accompanied with a rubik, does the teachers grading of that assignment need to follow the parameters set forth by the rubik?
Say No October 31, 2010
Poor Management
University of Phoenix will not be Employer of the Year any time soon. They treat their Enrollment Counselors with little respect. It is all about numbers, even though they deny it. While they state company policy is not to contest unemployment benefits they do. One manager in the Southern Arizona Campus even questioned an employee why he was taking so many days off on his approved FMLA. May I say Illegal. The campus director on this campus has allowed his middle managers to operate in a frenzy mode. Sometimes when you let some one go without good reason you irritate more than the ex-employee; you irritate an entire village.
Victor October 29, 2010
Bad service
I have a lawyer for a class action talk to him today on my case this is what mine is where they charge you for classes you dropped and claim they sent money back to student laons and pell grant and refuse to give you transkripts till you pay them off they claim i owe 4400.00 if you have a case like this. he has several other lawyers ready to jump on board but each set of class acation has to be the same he told me today that it sounds like they are doing a pozy sceem

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