University of Phoenix

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University of Phoenix Reviews

KenG67 May 20, 2010
Financial aid management discrepancy
I began attending the University of Phoenix/Axia College - Online Campus back in April of 2008. The representatives I dealt with all acted on behalf of the University of Phoenix and fed me a bunch of lies and deceit in convincing me to enroll with the University of Phoenix/Axia College - Online Campus. The major issue was with the University of Phoenix/Axia College's Financial Aid Department.

I believe that I was financially manipulated and cheated by financial aid counselors with the University of Phoenix/Axia College, simply to get me to continue attending the online courses with their university. I have battled with instructors in my virtual classrooms about how they conducted themselves and how I was treated overall. I was also not happy with their learning curriculum. I felt that the majority of classes that were said to be a part of my learning curriculum were simply implemented to add a value to the course. There were quite a few unnecessary prerequisites involving the course. I also felt that some of the prerequisites with theUniversity of Phoenix/Axia College - Online Campus were setup to "stretch-out" the course and overall cost a student extra and unnecessary monies in the long run.

I continued to be manipulated by the University of Phoenix/Axia College's practices and I listened to the advice of my enrollment counselors, academic counselors and financial aid counselors, only to eventually be financially cheated when I became fed up with the University of Phoenix - Online Campus. They used various tactics to persuade me to stay enrolled in the course and further try to obligate me on a financial level to their university.

Time progressed and I got so annoyed that I had to even switch my said "Graduation Team" with the University of Phoenix/Axia College (which was no different than my original one). My new Enrollment Counselor, Academic Counselor and Financial Aid Counselor behaved in the exact same fashion. They both repeated the process of misleading me and deceiving me to continue my enrollment with theUniversity of Phoenix /Axia College. I was told by my financial counselor that I would receive substantial grants to accommodate my financial disposition at that time, which was not good because of the economy. My Academic Counselor simply followed the lead of my Financial Aid Counselor. I eventually reached a boiling point and I refused to continue to be manipulated by the University of Phoenix/Axia College, so I attended my last block of classes and I could not continue any further.

I stopped attending the University of Phoenix/Axia College back in July of 2009 because of the profuse mistreatment I endured from their staff. Since then, the University of Phoenix/Axia College has manipulated my online records, changed my classroom attendance statuses in some classes and possibly even manipulated some of my grades. I have been unable to check or verify the pertinent details of my virtual classroom history due to everything being kept on their servers and my being denied access. This is how they manipulate things on their end, for the most part.

I have also been experiencing the University of Phoenix/Axia College trying to bill me approximately $3, 000 when all of my student loans were with Sallie Mae and the U.S. Department of Education. I was also not able to officially withdraw from the University of Phoenix/Axia College, yet because they now threaten to cause me more financial hardship with my FAFSA loans by compromising the monies I already received for my subsidized and unsubsidized federal student loans. It is truly disappointing, but I have not given up.
rlcone May 12, 2010
Remedial courses and forcing political beliefs on students
The University of Phoenix provides not only remedial education and service to its students but forces them to choose a political party. I have learned the a rectangle is now even on all sides for example and that when asked for a business plan that a businees plan is incorrect to submit. Recently I took a government class in which I was asked to complete a simulation on passing a bill through congress. They first asked me to decide my political party only giving two choices democrat or republican. Upon choosing the politcal party however, there is a right or wrong choice which I personally find to be very unethical. If i chose republican I was told it was a very poor choice because I would not get the bill passed or be reelected. The last time I checked I still live in America where we have the freedom to choose our own political party. I refused to complete the assignment to further their political propaganda that teaches students to sell themselves out for personal gain. I have screen shots of the messages going back and forth between me and the school and the teach of this class saying that the there was a correct choice as to political party which I believe is wrong.
JacL43 May 12, 2010
Totally incompetent
In 2007 I attended Axia College online. What a mess. They must have contacted me 10 times a day AT LEAST until I was approved through the federal government for funds. Then all of a sudden all these Axia people who were supposed to be there to help disappeared.

They started me on a class without notifying me. They then treated me like an elementary school child and took away a class because they said my attendance was not satisfactory (I am in my 60's). Then I begged them back for the class they took away and they stated that my attendance was not good enough (What?) even though I had no idea I was enrolled. Then I could never get in touch the same counselors who said they would always be there for me for any question or problems I may have.

I was almost finished with my one and only class and ready for final tests when toward the end of the class I answered an participation question.

Upon answering that question I was verbally and viciously attacked by another student for my answer. It scared me so bad that I I backed out of the class and tried to call a counselor. No one would return my calls.

During this time is when Axia College finally gave the class back they had taken away but no one called to tell me and I was not about to login due to the student who attacked me. I could get help from no one. However, when it came time for monies to be paid you better believe they called me. I will not pay a dime for one class I never attended to a class I never knew I had to a college that will not return phone calls and I did not approve any federal monies to be paid to Axia. They are coming after me hot and heavy for $2, 000 for one (1) class.

I will not pay them. They have destroyed my credit. I will not pay them. They have harassed me for monies by sending me one letter each day for over 3 months. I will not pay.

There seems to be no numbers they supply a student with if the student has a problem. They do not care about you after they know the money is approved. The money is their bottom line. Period.

Question: Do the teachers at Axia College have no control over the classes that they cannot see what is written before it is posted online? I was fearful for my life upon received the student attack. It is only a matter of time before something bad happens to another student because of what Axia College is doing and if I were a teaching at Axia I would be very careful because Axia is using you and if you have not control over your classroom are you really a teacher?

Axia College is a dangerous place to attend and anyone should know that you can be attacked by another student just for doing your work. Everyone attending class there need be very very cautious!!!

This college is treading on thin water and should be reported to federal authorities for misappropriating the federal monies they receive for your attending college there and the Texas Attorney General for a verbal attack on a student and the Department of Education for approving them for monies in the first place.

I have kept all my names, dates and documentation. Please everyone keep yours also because this will happen again sooner or later.

Axia College is liars and thieves. I do no want to see anyone be hurt, physically or mentally. . This college is out of control. Any college that is incapable of protecting its students is unacceptable.
anon121314 May 11, 2010
Just a diploma mill
A friend of mine paid good money and received her undergrad, masters, and PhD in Education from Phoenix University. She has had her PhD now for over 4 years and has NEVER secured a job in education with her useless degrees.

This is nothing but a diploma mill and employers know it. Save your money and go elsewhere.
Slain April 6, 2010
Rip off
I have been going in circles with the University since i began (day One) I was actually enrolled by a enrollment counselor but my financial aid was also done by him as well, He did not know what in the world he was doing to say the least, continued asking for help from his supervisor.

I asked him " how come i have not meat up with my financial aid counselor" and he told me that his boss was my financial aid counselor that would go over all of my information and confirm that everything was accurate and correct.

I was also told that I would be meeting up with F/A to explain everything that they were applying for me and that i had qualified for! but the day never came soon enough, I was lied to in more than one aspect, by my enrollment counselor about the amount it was going to cost and about my meeting and orientation that never happened! I am so Pissed Off that i Trusted them and even more pissed that i did not meet my actual F/A counselor until two months after i started and even worse After i had a big problem with one of the academic counselors messing up my schedule and me having to W/D because of it.

I was forced to take a leave of absence and was told i had to come back before two weeks so it would not effect my financial aid, so bad went to worse not only was i set up for failure as one of their own Faculty members told me, because she was a witness to what was going on and actually felt bad for me.

I will not mention her name but, this F/A adviser acted so helpful up until i began getting concerned about my account and this bad feeling after i was being pushed to sign yet another form by my F/A counselor and even asked to lie on it stating that the money for my leave of absence would be put back, but i found that their was still a undisclosed amount that was taken and never brought to my attention.

The Scary version is that this guy is leaving and still refused to give me the actual loan amount from the lender and the Federal loan and the actual amount, so up to this day i have never been given a straight answer or proper documentation of why they even used my grant money or my pell money in the order they have and no receipts except for the first class.

I should have been in my 6 to 7 course but because of faculty mistakes i have had to withdraw and even threatened that if i did w/d that i would have problems, but they said that as i was walking out the door.

This is only part of it! and honestly i do not feel that i should have to pay for ANY OF THIS MESS ! i wish i could get all of my money back a move forward with my life. " This is the biggest mistake i made " and i feel that they have actually tried to *** into my system, since i started receiving attachments from emails of people that work with my F/A adviser and getting a big warning from my anti virus after that happened,

Who are these people and why are they doing this to good people like me, I love to help others and would never wish wrong upon anyone but this is scary stuff.
Trevor March 4, 2010
Absoltely no business ethics
This purpose of this paper is to IDENTIFY a scam!! I am currently a student at U of P, Thank God it took me only one class to realize how this so called "Educational Institution" works. My story is like several thousand others.

I applied for a guaraanteed student loan "FAFSA", i was elibale for grant money.

So planning ahead I applied prior to attending, with the expactation the grant money was on the way. My so called "acedemic advisor" assured me the funds would arrive by a certain date. Weeks have since passed, now I do not recieve any phone calls from administration. The same simple questions are left on thier answering service. " When can I expect reciept of my grant money?" and "HOW much of my student loan funds are due?" is this too much to ask from A so called university?. I have attended 3 university's, 2 community colleges, and 1 technical institute. An 3.8 student! I HAVE BEEN SNOWED!!

As of today, I am dropping U OF P like the terd it is...

Im joining any of the several class action law-suits against this practice of poor business ethics and fraud!
rogship February 27, 2010
Lies and more Lies
Really??? Everybody who is complaining probably failed a class and is just upset, or maybe they are not smart enough to actually finish a class. I have been attending at UOP for almost three years now and am almost done with my BSB/A. I have had the BEST experience. Sure there are a few instructors I didn't like but that is about it. There are such things as financial agreements, and E-signing of forms. If you don't read them then that is your fault. Everything is in there and it is really that simple. This is probably why all of you where not successful in school...go to the local community college
Def February 25, 2010
Scam artists
I have been an on and off student at this so called university for 5 years. I would have finished my degree a long time ago if they were not ripping me off and scamming me. Well it finally happend. The final scam. I take a class, work very hard, submit all my assignments in. My teacher does not grade them, she gives me an F. The school cancels my students loans, expects me to pay them $2100 before I can get my loans back and continue classes. No one was helpful and no one wanted to back me up. My requests were denied. I could not afford to pay off the full $2100 in one shot as I jsut started working again and have other obligations. The school put my balance into internal collections which I slowly started paying. Now I get a call from their corporate office saying that they cannot hold it anymore and will sell my balance to a collection agency even though they see I started paying it. My balance is down to $1800 and I had planned to have it paid off within the next 2 months. They do not even want to work with me there. Well now I will do everything that I can to ruin university of Phoenix. They have scammed far too many people.
FraudVictim83 February 24, 2010
University of Phoenix SCAM!!!
I have been an on and off student at this so called university for 5 years. I would have finished my degree a long time ago if they were not ripping me off and scamming me. Well it finally happend. The final scam. I take a class, work very hard, submit all my assignments in. My teacher does not grade them, she gives me an F. The school cancels my students loans, expects me to pay them $2100 before I can get my loans back and continue classes. No one was helpful and no one wanted to back me up. My requests were denied. I could not afford to pay off the full $2100 in one shot as I jsut started working again and have other obligations. The school put my balance into internal collections which I slowly started paying. Now I get a call from their corporate office saying that they cannot hold it anymore and will sell my balance to a collection agency even though they see I started paying it. My balance is down to $1800 and I had planned to have it paid off within the next 2 months. They do not even want to work with me there. Well now I will do everything that I can to ruin university of Phoenix. They have scammed far too many people.
Raynman01 February 21, 2010
Unethical Practices

I recently quit the University of Phoenix as a Finance Counselor. I was promoted to that position after working for them for about 9 months. I worked with UOP Midwest Division Healthcare I have read numerous stories about the Universities Enrollment Counselors and their horrible conduct. Please don't think it ends with them. Within a month after I finished Financil Aid training I noticed a pattern of the University starting students before they were certified for Financial Aid or even qualified to start the University. They defer payment from students for up to 90 days while they check to see if they are qualified. The result is that I had a student who accrued a bill of over $3400.00 before we even knew if she would qualify for loans to pay this debt. Ofcourse she was given the impression from Enrollment that everything should be okay. That way she would start without worry; afterall the student starting class is the most important thing in this Universities culture. No one had ever explained to this student what might happen if everything did not go well with her qualification for Financial Aid. Whenever I tried to explain both sides of what can happen, I would be called negative by my manager and Academic Counselor.

The student went through class and Admissions found that her previous schools were not accredited so she could not continue with the University of Phoenix. This means she could not remain in school and could not receive any Financial Aid. The student still owed the University $3400.00 for classes they let her into though. Her account was placed in a delinquent status and moved to our collections department after about 2 months per University policy. When I went to my manager and told him this was the most unethical thing I had ever seen a company do; he looked me directly in the eye and shrugged his shoulders without a word. I immediately started looking for a new place to work and soon after that interaction gave my two week notice.

I just want people to know what they are dealing with when considering enrollment in the University of Phoenix. The above story is not the only thing I have been a part of. I have had numerous students tell me about lies they have been told by enrollment counselors. When I reported these lies to management(Enrollment and Finance) I was always told that students hear what they want to hear. Managment always told me that it was a misunderstanding not an outright lie; no matter how often it took place.

So now I want to write some advice to keep you safe. When considerng UoP.

***Please Keep in Mind***

1. If you're not sure...Do not Start Class They can schedule you for class several weeks in advance and certify your Financial Aid before you accrue a bill. Why take chances? It is not them who will suffer if something goes sideways.

2. enrollment counselors will be written up or terminated if they do not have enough students start. There is a conflict of interest. They are wonderful people with great personalities. However, they get credit for starting you two weeks into your second class...if you succeed or not. I had an enrollment counselor who wanted to start a jobless man with 3 kids who would have to pay $500.00 a month to stay in school. She told me that we shouldn't approach the man with the news in a "negative way". Luckily he did not start because it turned out that he had defaulted student loans. Jobless or not they would have let this student start.

3. I was in a meeting with all of the Online Finance Counselors and Current and Co CEO. Last Quarter the University started 100, 000 students by the end of the Quarter only 50, 000 students were still enrolled.

4. Never sign a form called an "Authorization to Close" unless you know exactly what it means. You need to understand both the good and bad aspects of signing this form. UoP usually doesn't volunteer the possible negative side of issues.

There will be those of you who will say you work for UoP and have not experienced any of this. Congratualtions, that does not make what I have written less factual.

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