Stay away from them and save your money. Use bigger companies with better and reliable service.
1. They give wrong information and are a big time cheater.
2. They claim plans are unlimited but all their plans are limited, they will block your account in 10 days if you reach the limit which nobody knows or tells you. They don't even provide a proof of your minutes.
3. They say that they will refund if you are not satisfied or in case of issues but then they deny it they don't refund any part of it. so u loose activation + plan + any other charges.
4. Service doesn't work on many days. in my case 4 out of 14 days
5. Customer service don't answer the phone most of the times. if they answer they provide contradicting or wrong information. They never tell if the plans are limited in any way.
I don't even feel safe with my credit card information with them.