taking money under false pretence's, no way of contacting anyone, all help phone numbers are ficticious except for one and that one is on continous hold, taking more money...even the e-mail they send comes as a spam e-mail...people like that should be imprisoned...the people that say they safe guard the taking of your money SWREG for unlockiphoneus.com must also be a part of the same scam...they say you can send an e-mail to cancel your account and get your money back but when you put all your details in and account number and press ok, it just kept taking you back to unlockiphoneus.com's homepage...and now to cap it all, i get a message everytime i try to log onto unlockiphoneus.com saying your account is now suspended...this must be one of the worst kind of scams i've ever come across.
please advice,
Yours S. Wardle