I am a Soldier on leave (vacation.) I did not choose to take this vacation, but my command wants me to take it before it is taken away by the Army. While on vacation I am expected to call my command every day no later than 6:30 a.m. to account for myself. I have been in the Army for 13 years and was a United States Marine for 4 years prior to the Army. Never, not once, ever have I ever had to account for myself while on leave. The reason that I have been given by my unit is that a Soldier has died and was not accounted for.
I'm not sure what the repercussions are for not calling in by 0630, but I do not want to find out.
I want to be on leave, away from the Army. I don't want to have to worry about the repercussions of not calling in daily to include weekends and holidays. I think that whoever made this decision, made it as a knee-jerk reaction. I believe it's time to rescind this order.