They did this to me when I made my banking on internet:
Yester day using my papal account $320. The system said UPS, it did not go thru this time, try again. One or two minutes later I did the same thing but, this time I tipped $324 instead of 342. Continue reading, see what will they do to me…
An hour later, I checked my account online. And found out that both, $320 and 324 has gone thru. I called their 1-800- number and spoke with many of them but they did not want to help me. So I asked if I could talk to a supper visor.
Finally they passed me to SUPPER CHITER.
The super visor MR TAIOR MORGAN.
I asked him to stop the $320 transaction but let the $324 to go thru.
He said: we can not do that.
I said: this is my account. I should be able to decide what to do with my money.
He said: MMMM, ok, we can do that but, it has a fee to stop a transaction.
I said: How much is that:
He said $30.
I said ok. Please go ahead and charge $30 from my balance and stop the amount of $320.
They charged $30 for stopping one transaction but, they did not stop. So both $320, $324 went throe. This morning I checked my account again. I found out that my account showing -$70 over drown and they have started charging $37 per day over drown charges. I may end up paying 1000s $s until I recover from the overdraft fees. To do that I need to find money to deposit to my account for cover all my (-) negative balance coursed by daily $37 overdraft charges…
They did this kind of tricks to me several times in a year. I believe so far I have paid about $3, 000.00 overdrafts fee.
They take advantage of every one like me and especially Latinos, because the regular banks would not open and account for us. US BANK knows this and they take advantage of people…