I applied for a passport giving the same birth certificate when I visited my son stationed in Frankfort Germany back in the 70's. I gave all the necessary information & now they say my b.cert. was recorded more than 1yr after the birth occurred & doesn' show evidence why the delay. My aunt Mrs. Betty Fletcher gave all her information since she's 85 yrs of age, been over seas 13 times.so now they couldn't give her passport without a birth certificate. Back in her day they didn't require birth certificates at birth in the country..The law should require updated birth certifcates to be able to vote, Medicare -period. They should pass a law for older Americans since it's difficult to obtain such papers when schools burn down, midwife delivery etc. Of course, she couldn't go on her trip.When they did find it was too late. Why they let everyone come over here not finger printed & many Americans can't go abroad is a puzzle. Now I may not be able to go on this trip.
Maybe Americans need to have a Birth certificate Id on them. This old certificate is peanuts but it worked before.