Door to door sales person got my 80 yr old mom. They tell you they will lock in gas rates so you are 'protected' from Nicors fluctuating rates. Mom was so well 'protected' that while I have been paying between .53 and .84 per therm, she has been locked into paying 1.10 per therm!
When this guy went to her house, she was alone, she finally signed up just to make him leave, knowing she would be able to cancel. He was there on a Saturday, she called the company on Monday to cancel, they said no problem, consider it done. On Tuesday, she also sent them a note along with the contract, reiterating her desire to cancel.
She thought that was the end of it not at all. In Jan the company signed her up to their plan, unbeknownst to her. Although she had a high gas bill, so was everyone else's as Nicor rates were .84 at the time. Then came summer, with not much of any bill, and finally this past heating season. She had a new furnace installed & thought her bills would finally go down, she was paying almost twice what I did, I have a house, she is in a little townhouse!
She does not read her bill each month, has macular degeneration & it's too difficult, & tell me, who does read all the nonsense on a utility bill? Yesterday she finally called Nicor to find out why her rates were so much higher than anyone else's that is when she found out she had been switched to this THIEVING company. $1.10 per therm when I pay .43 on last months bill???
Lisa Madigan filed a lawsuit a year ago against this company. BBB has given them an unsatisfactory rating, all this I learned today. Add to this insult, the founder of the company, Rebecca MacDonald, just received the Horatio Algers award for ...'overcoming humble beginnings to achieve success...'AT WHAT COST, Rebecca?