I have 2002 Range Rover. My extended warranty was to end at the end of Dec. 2008. I had seen the same commercials as everyone else of the "no worries" warranty offered by US Fidelis broadcasted on television in California. I called Dec. 1, 2008 and spoke to an employee by the name of Chris at 800-649-1856, ext. 8767. He explained that they could offer me an extended warranty for 5 years or 150, 000 miles. The warranty would have no deductible, 24 hour roadside assistance, rental car coverage of $150.00 per day for the duration of the repairs!, and towing up to $100.00. The rental car allowance sounded incredibly high, so I questioned him about this. He put me on hold and spoke with his supervisor, and then assured me it was "correct, we want you to be able to rent a car equal to your beautiful Range Rover". I questioned this several times and was assured it was $150.00 per day. I also questioned him about the company. He assured me they had been in business for 23 years helping people. I questioned him extensively about what the "power train" covered. He went through a list that the warranty covered the engine, transmission, water pump, drive axel, assembly, air conditioner, heater fan, alternator, starter motor, voltage regulator, power window motors, and seals and gaskets. I asked him specifically about the parts that would be used should I need repairs. Did they use generic parts or did they use Land Rover parts? He told me not only did they us brand name parts from the dealer, but they "did not allow generic parts". He assured me I could continue to take my “beautiful” Range Rover to the dealer who has serviced it since I've owned it. He assured me they would pay for everything with a corporate credit card and I would pay nothing from my pocket. All of this amazing coverage would only cost me $2975.oo! I asked if he would email something to me showing the coverage before I made a decision. Unfortunately, they had nothing to send, but not to worry; I would receive the policy within 10 days. I could review it and cancel should I not want it. I hesitated somewhat, he put me on hold and came back with a new number of $2600.00! What a deal!! I was especially impressed by the fact that I would only have pay an initial payment on the spot of $135.00 and pay only $103.00 per month for 24 months. After two years my warranty would be paid in full and the remaining time would cost me nothing. I gave him my payment information and felt relieved that my vehicle would be covered for some time to come. He congratulated me and assured me I was covered as of when the first payment was processed. When I went to make my first claim, I found out otherwise. He gave me his personal extension, the hours he worked, and said to call him if I ever had any questions. After more than two weeks I received a letter (on US Fidelis letterhead) stating I would receive my "product and policy" within 7-10 business days. I waited for my policy from "US Fidelis", Christmas approached, and I went out of town. When I returned, I did not find anything from “US Fidelis”. As I sorted through all of my junk mail that had arrived while I was gone, I came across a small box from Consumer Direct Warranty Service. In spite of thinking this was probably a solicitation, I opened it and discovered this was my warranty agreement. I looked through the small booklet and it appeared at first glance to be what I was told with the exception of the rental car allowance. It was $150.00 total, not per day as I was assured. I thought it was still a good deal and the rental car issue I could live with. I was confused by the name on the booklet, CDWS Direct Service Quality Vehicle Protection, but just assumed this is what "US Fidelis" called their warranty. Everything Chris had told me led me to believe that I was purchasing a “US Fidelis” warranty. He never mentioned they were a broker for other companies.
Coming home from Lake Tahoe on Sunday, Jan. 25th, my Range Rover broke down on the side of the road. I immediately called the number on the card provided with my warranty information for my "roadside assistance" and got a recording stating this was the "claims" number and to call back Monday-Friday during the hours of 8-5. I located several numbers in all of the information I had and finally reached a person with US Fidelis. The person answered the phone, immediately asked for my zip code (I found this strange). I gave him the zip code, he immediately rambled off that this product was not available in my state. It was very clear he intended to hang up and I asked him to stop, that I purchased this warranty last month. He asked for the zip code again, once again he told me it was not available in my state and hung up the phone before I had a chance to say a word. I of course called back immediately, reached a woman, asked her to please not hang up on me. She agreed and asked for my information and told me the same thing as the first person. I explained my situation, but she could only apologize and suggest I call the number on my card Monday morning. At least she was polite with some regret of my situation. Needless to say, I was absolutely livid. I called my auto insurance company and used the roadside assistance provided through that policy and had the vehicle towed to my home.
Monday morning I called the number on my card and explained what had happened. They first asked me for the mileage. When I questioned this, I was informed that I would have to have traveled more than 500 miles before I could submit a claim. Luckily, I had traveled more than that; otherwise I would not have been covered. In the booklet provided it states that “1st Day & 1st Mile – Benefits Begin On The Date and Mileage of Product Warranty Purchase”. Following this, it states “15 Days & 500 Miles – Benefits On The 16th Day and 501st Mile From The Product Warranty Purchase Date”. I am extremely confused by this, as the only difference is the word “Date” at the end of the sentence. Since Chris had told me my warranty would take effect immediately, I assumed the first sentence to be correct. They argued with me that I was covered on the date of purchase; however I could not make a claim until 501 miles had been traveled. I questioned how I could possibly have been covered if they would not have paid for the repairs had I not exceeded 500 miles. I never received an answer other than “yes, you were covered”, but “no, we would not have paid for anything during that time”. I let it go since it did not affect my claim. They were incredibly rude, but told me what Land Rover needed to do to get approval.
I had to have the vehicle towed to the dealership at my expense, which should be reimbursed. I faxed a copy of the receipt yesterday and hope not to have a problem. Once the vehicle was towed to Land Rover, they diagnosed the problem to be the alternator. Luckily this was covered, and Land Rover requested the necessary documents to make the claim. As of Tuesday they had not received anything from "CDWS", I called and they said it was in the claims process and something would be sent to the dealership shortly. I called Land Rover late in the afternoon to make sure they had received everything and they told me they had only received a questionnaire asking if the oil was clean, etc.. I once again called "CDWS" and was told they had been bombarded with claims and process them in the order received, and that Land Rover should received something by mid-morning Wednesday. In the meantime, the time clock is ticking on the rental car coverage and Land Rover can't order the alternator until they received approval from the warranty company. At last, as promised, they received approval Wednesday morning to replace the "water pump"! I of course called them again and was told it was a mistake and they would fax a corrected approval to Land Rover. Finally we're moving along. In spite of the aggravation, I was just glad to move forward. That is, until Land Rover called again. Yes, they did receive approval from "CDWS" for the alternator. However, the total cost for the repair was approximately $1300.00 ($400.00 for labor and approximately $900.00 for the part). The approval allowed the labor cost, but only allowed $216.00 for the part. Once again I called "CDWS" and was told if they could find a generic or refurbished part that is was to be used. The first problem is that is the exact opposite of what I was told by Chris at US Fidelis...” not only do we not use generic parts, but we don't even allow anything but factory parts from the dealership”. The second problem is now my car is at a "Qualified Repair Facility", Land Rover, and they will not use parts other than factory parts. I'm stuck with more than a $600.00 difference which I will have to pay in order for my car not to be held hostage. Of course I have argued with "CDWS", only to be referred to page four of my booklet which states "Covered Components will be replaced with like kind and quality based on Administrator's discretion". "Like kind and quality" does not mean to me anything other than factory part from Land Rover, especially given the dealership will not use the part they want to ship. Needless to say "CDWS" refuses to pay anything more. I have only two choices that I can see. I can go ahead and let Land Rover repair the vehicle and pay the difference out of pocket or find another "Qualified Repair Facility" that will use the refurbished part that "CDWS" will send and pay out of pocket to have my car towed there. Either way, money comes from my pocket that should be covered, and/or I have an inferior part, certainly not what I was promised by US Fidelis.
I am outraged by the blatant lies told by Chris at US Fidelis. And yes, I called him Monday morning about the so called "Roadside Assistance". When I spoke to him I wasn't aware of the other problems ahead. Although I spoke to Chris at ext. 8767, he informed me he was a "different" Chris than the one I had spoken to previously. I doubt that to be the case and find it unlikely, but I have no way of knowing for sure, and I don't think it will make a difference anyway. In any event, he informed me I do not have the roadside assistance that the "other" Chris had promised. I expressed my displeasure in the events that had taken place when my car died on the side of the road and the events that followed that evening. Needless to say, that got me nowhere.
After all of the other issues that came about following my conversation with the "other" Chris on Monday, I called on Wednesday and spoke to a very nice and professional lady by the name of Lyla. Although she wasn't able to offer any assistance, she assured me my complaint would be investigated and someone should contact me within 24-48 hours. I hope this will be the case as the 48 hours have not passed. I asked if their conversations were recorded and she said they were. Of course there is no way they can provide me with a copy of my conversation with the "original" Chris, which is no surprise.
I have no doubt this warranty will continue to be a problem. I am unsure of where to go from here, but will continue to investigate this company’s deceptive practices and file complaints with the proper authorities. Luckily, I took extensive notes during our conversation; therefore I have a very precise recollection of what I was promised. If anyone else has been a victim of their blatant lies, please do not stand by and allow them to continue. This is causing a financial hardship for me and I feel certain I am not the first. I urge you to file complaints with anyone and everyone you can. Otherwise, we will all remain victims of a company who profits from their deceptive practices. Anyone who has had problems with this company, please contact me at
[email protected]. As one person, I don’t know how far I can pursue this, as a group there may be more that can be accomplished.
If anyone is enticed by their seductive commercials of "peace of mind", I urge you to think twice. Although other warranties may cost more or require a larger down payment, hopefully they are legitimate and will provide the services promised.