I ordered the On-Air headset from US Interface on 7-22-08. The Paypal ID# 92E64473B2304982R confirms Rig Technologies charged $39.95 plus $9.90 shipping, Total of $49.85. I RECEIVED NOTHING FOR MY MONEY! The half dozen phone call responses ranged from, we're waiting on the adaptor parts, The item will ship next Thursday, We can't fill the order and sent you a refund, However I was assured that all of the other advertised items were in stock. This is just an answering service so leave a message.
Recorded message: We're on vacation until 9-15-08. I called after 9-15-08 and got the same recorded vacation message. I sent 2 Emails requesting a refund, no response. Paypal will not handle an dispute over 30 days from purchase. I filed complaints with the FTC, USPS and the BBB. I hope that your ordering experience from US Interface proves more pleasant and productive than mine.
Complaint ID#: 36029214
Business Name: US interface / Rig Technologies
Thank you for contacting your BBB. Your complaint was received by your BBB on September 18, 2008 and has been assigned case# 36029214in our files. Please make a note of this number for future reference.
We have accepted your complaint and have forwarded it to the following business for their response:
US interface / Rig Technologies
61 Krouse Court
Aberdeen, MD 21001
The business has until October 3, 2008 to respond to your complaint.
Complaint status: Reminder of Dispute to Business
Date Activity Description
10/06/2008 Reminder of Dispute to Business
10/06/2008 Consumer - Have You Heard From the Company
10/06/2008 No response to first notice to business
09/18/2008 Notify Business of Dispute
09/18/2008 Send Acknowledgement to Consumer
09/18/2008 Case Reviewed by BBB
09/16/2008 Case Received by BBB
BBB CASE#: 36029214
Complaint filed by: Alford Warren Davis
NAME: Alford Warren Davis
Complaint filed against: US interface / Rig Technologies
Business Info
NAME: US interface / Rig Technologies
ADDRESS: 61 Krouse Court
Aberdeen, MD 21001
PHONE: 410 272-9110
FAX: --None--
Website: http://usinterface.com/
Thank you for filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
Your complaint has been successfully submitted. Please retain the following
information for future contacts with the IC3:
Complaint Id: I0809182022240122
Complaint Submitted
Thank you for contacting the FTC. Your complaint has been entered into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database available to thousands of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies worldwide. Your reference number is:20296623
Maryland Attorney General
Douglas F. Gansler
Thank you for your submission to the Consumer Protection Division.
Your reference number is: 159259
The following is the information you have submitted on October 8, 2008 at 02:01 AM:
Prefix Mr.
First Name Alford
Last Name Davis
Address P.O.Box 555543
City Orlando
State Florida
Zip Code 32805
Best Telephone Number to use during the Day 407-***-****
Alternate Telephone Number 407-***-****
E-mail Address ad713 AT bellsouth.net
Business Name US Interface / Rig Technologies
Business Address 61 Krouse Court
Business City Aberdeen
Business State Maryland
Business Zip Code 21001
Business Primary Telephone Number 410-272-9110
How did you hear about the business? Advertisement - Internet
Where did the purchase or lease take place? Internet
When did the purchase take place? 07/22/2008
What would you like the business to do? Refund/Reimbursement
Please describe your dispute I ordered the On-Air headset from US Interface on 7-22-08. The Paypal ID# 92E64473B2304982R confirms Rig Technologies charged $39.95 plus $9.90 shipping, Total of $49.85. I RECEIVED NOTHING FOR MY MONEY! The half dozen phone call responses ranged from, we're waiting on the adaptor parts, The item will ship next Thursday, We can't fill the order and sent you a refund, However I was assured that all of the other advertised items were in stock. This is just an answering service so leave a message. Recorded message: We're on vacation until 9-15-08. I called after 9-15-08 and got the same recorded vacation message. I sent 2 Emails requesting a refund, no response. Paypal will not handle an dispute over 30 days from purchase. I filed complaints with the FTC, USPS and the BBB. GLENN W WETHERELL (Owner) 61 KROUSE COURT ABERDEEN MD 21001 USA Business Name: US interface / Rig Technologies
How did you hear about our office? Consumer Protection Publication
Do you have any documents that support your complaint? yes
Description of supporting documents Paypal receipt
Contact, other than the consumer Debra Jahnke 1-860-594-0200
Most recent date consumer contacted business 10/06/2008
Person complained to at the business Glenn W. Wetherell
How much did you pay? 49.85
How did you pay? debit / EFT
Have you filed with another agency? yes
Other agency USPS, FTC & BBB
Have you contacted an attorney or filed a lawsuit? no
If Refund, please state the amount desired 49.85
Please print this page for your records.
If you need to submit supporting documents, please enclose a copy of this page with the documents and the mail or fax them to:
Consumer Protection Division
200 St. Paul Place, 16th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Fax:(410) 576-6566
Failure to submit supporting documents or enclose a copy of this page with your documents will delay processing of your submission.