They tricked me into giving them my credit card number. They said they were calling to get the correct credit card number, because the one they had didn't work. They said my wife had ordered 3 year subscriptions to Ladies Home Journal and Woman's Day. When my wife returned the next day she said she had never ordered anything from U.S. Reader's Inc., 1-727-499-0608. When we checked, we found that for any given magazine subscription, U.S. Reader's of Clearwater Florida charges much more than just placing a subscription with the publisher of that particular magazine.
I am working closely with our credit card company. They have been extremely helpful. U.S. Reader's got the credit card number from me day before yesterday, June 4, 2011, and the credit cart company, Chase, told me that dishonest companies such as U.S. Reader's wait for up to a week before putting the charge through to the credit card company, thereby increasing the chance that I might not remember to call Chase and have them not pay. Chase does not have a way to block payment to a particular vendor - their only alternative is to cancel the credit card and issue a new one with a different number. U.S. Reader's does not answer their telephone directly. So I'll have to call Chase every few days, until U.S. Reader's has put through the charge, and then I can have Chase not pay it.
U.S. Reader's Inc. makes it impossible to cancel an order with them. The way they do it is that they screen all incoming calls. You have to leave your telephone number, "and they we will call you back." That way they can screen the calls and they are careful not to call back people they've scammed, or otherwise dishonestly obtained payment or credit card information from, such as myself.
Anything the Complaints Board can do to make the public aware that they should never under any circumstances have anything to do with U.S. Reader's Inc., of Clearwater, Florida, will help prevent other people from being scammed as I have been.