I had recieved a letter saying that I was overpaid on social security benefits. When I called into the social security office I was told I could file a waiver, however they had no record of a overpayment. So I sent in the waiver application and waited on their computers to show the overpayment. Heres the problem, there computers never did. According to them I was not overpaid and do not owe any money. However I recieved letters from the Us Treasury, Department of Debt Collection. When I called them back they told me I was overpaid. When I stated I was not over paid and that social security had no records of it they then told me it must of been for a student loan or something of that nature. I didnt attend collage there for have no student loan. They jerked me around for more then a month and after threatening to sue me I agreed to a repayment scedule. After about two months I recieved a seperate bill demanding around $70 within 7 days. When I called and was unable to get thru to a live person I left a message and requested a call back. After two more requests for call backs and no calls back I called into the social security office again. They again told me there was no overpayment on my account and I did not owe them any money. I was adviced to continue paying on the one since I had been bullied into signing a repayment agreement scedule and was told to ignore the other bill and not even call in about it again since I had requested numerous call backs and no one ever bothered to actually call me back. I was told the social security office was going to look into it because it sounded off. No one has ever called me back to this day on the second bill I was recieving and believe it or not I have yet to recieve a follow up bill on it. However Im still recieving bills for the original one I agreed to repay. Im logging this here because I dont know what to do about it and no one seems to have answers. If anyone else has dealt with this issue Id appreciate knowing what you did to solve it.
The address listed above is the address they have me send payments into. I do not know the phone number as it isnt on the payment stubs.
Thank you to anyone who has had a similiar problem and can offer advice. I hope no one else will have to deal with such a confusing hassle.