This website advertises authentic manufacturer products for sale and deliver knock-off items that don't even resemble the original nor the part pictured on their website. I recently ordered a replacement keyboard for my daughter's Apple iBook G4 12" laptop. Looking on their website at the keyboard represented, they depict an authentic Apple keyboard in their picture and reference an authentic Apple part number.
The delivery of the product was not timely but upon receipt of the keyboard, it absolutely was not the same thing and in fact, was not a US keyboard at all. The characters were English but the layout was not the standard keyboard layout. The ribbon connector cable wasn't compatible either.
I contacted again and asked for an RMA following their return policy specifically. They responded and stated that the part was tested and that its not their problem any longer. They have no intention of standing behind their product nor are they willing to work with their customers. They are operating a business that misrepresents itself, gets money from unsuspecting consumers and delivers sub-standard knock-off products leaving the consumer stuck with the item.
I strongly suggest that anyone considering buying from this company please reconsider!