August 11, 2009
theft from my bank account
I have a disconnect notice for my gas i was wondering what i was going to do. Very stressed out regrading my money situation, there was an advertisement on in my email regrading a payday loan. I thought my prayer was answered. It was from usacredit and anotherer loan company. I did give my banking info to both thinging I was getting a loan the other company did give me the loan they was honest. However, later on that day i went to the atm to get a few dollars out and the money was not there. I called my bank and the told me I had a withdrawal for $149.00 which i did not authorize from a USACREDIT. Which had me in more debit. I do plan on pursuing the matter even pressing charges unless i get a full refund for the $ 149.00 & bank fees ASAP. I plan on talking to a lawyer and the police until the matter is resolved.
Mary New Mexico
August 11, 2009
Unauthorized Withdrawal
I never went to a web site called USA Credit, USA Credit came from no where, on line while appling for a loan, they took my bank info another web site I was one and made an authorized debit from my account. My question is, how can they just go into a person's bank account and make a withdrawal? How have they gotten away with doing this for so long? USA Credit needs to be stopped, what they are doing is illegal and stealing. They are not providing a service, not selling anything, we are not buying anythng from them, yet they go into our bank accounts and take, take, take, when will it end and they go to jail?
gwen wheel
August 5, 2009
took money out of my account without my permission
usa credit has taken money out of my savings account and i want it back
July 24, 2009
took ach out of my checking account
i was looking for an online loan and usa credit took out of my checking account 20.00 which i didn't have in my account. my bank charged me the 20.00 over draft fee.
July 20, 2009
THIS COMPANY SUCKS IT DEBITED 149.95 from my account I didnt know so I went and puchased something and it was declined found out they took it out my account what the hell thats one hell of an application fee
ronda davis
July 9, 2009
stolen money
they took 149.99 out of my checking account without my consent and i would like my money back my name is ronda davis
May 22, 2009
unauthorized withdrawl of $109.95
I cecked my bank account today and there was a charge for $109.95 from USA Credit. I have never given permission nor authorized any withdrawl from my account. Please if anyone has the phone number to this company please pass it on.
May 19, 2009
unauthorized charges
i have gotten 149.95 taken from my account it must be replaced in 24 hours, you are a scam artist a nd I would never use your service and i dont even know what its about...return my mone with in 24 hours
May 12, 2009
taking money out of my account without my premission
they taken money out of my account without my premission. i dont want they service dont know who they are.i do want whoever taken my money out of my account to put it back and stop taken people money i work to hard for my money so i ask again put my money bac 149.00
cyndy nale
May 1, 2009
took 149.95 out of my bank account unauthorized
they took 149.95 out of my bank account and i nevr gave any authorization..they made me bounce 3 checks..cyndy nale