I received a check in the mail for $4, 750.00 from Standard Financial Inc. to pay for taxes on winning a Mega Loto for a jack pot of $450, 000.00 Dollars. The contact agen name is Brian Scott and I was to send the money to Julie Nixon. Sidney, Nova Scotia Canada B4K 7C2 The amount of $3, 550.00 I became suspecious when I heard Brian's accent it sounded Nigerian. At that point I went to the internet and typed in Standard Fnancial Inc. and there was a link to Rip Off Report.com. And there it was This company Standard Financial Inc was listed as a scam company. Thank God and this site that I did'nt deposit that check and draw the money out and send it to these scammers. Many have fallen for this kind of scam and there are those of us who have that extra something or listnen to tha small voice that say investigate
get more information before you committ