Verizon billed us for services from "USA Voicemail" that we did not authorize. Verizon agreed to perpetuate this scam - it appears anyone can authorize charges to anybody's phone number just by saying so -
I searched online and cannot find a website for USA Voicemail - I found but that redirected me to
I found this statement online when you sign up:
"By clicking the "Submit" button I am confirming that I have reviewed and fully agree with the Intelicom Messaging™ Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. In addition, I confirm the information submitted, and my authority to incur charges on the telephone number listed above, and that I am 18 years of age or older."
That's all that's necessary for someone to bill me for services I know nothing about!
In searching online I have come up with complaints going back to 2005 but no company website called "USA Voicemail" so how is it that anybody could conceivably sign up legitimately for services from this company? How can Verizon agree to this?!