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Category: Automotive
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USAA Reviews
Arlene Brunk
July 21, 2011
Minor auto accident
I had a minor car accident on June 2, 2011 when a Chevy Suburban old model rear ended my 09 Toyota Rav 4. I found the decision to be unfair. We both have USAA insurance and the decision was that we were both at no fault. My argument is that why do I have to pay the $250 deductible if I AM AT NO FAULT? This is the most bizarre decision that I have ever encountered with USAA. And what is really upsetting is that it took this insurance giant over a month to make this decision. The driver of this suburban who rear ended me that resulted a minor damage on the back of my vehicle is at no fault and will not pay a cent.
July 7, 2011
10750 McDermott Freeway San Antonio Texas 78288 United States of America
Phone: 1-800-531-USAA (8722)
Category: Credit & Debt Services
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Watch out Military members choosing USAA Credit Cards: My latest tangle with USAA Credit Card Services was with Andrea in "Executive Resolutions". I called on Tuesday June 14, 2011 to find out why my available credit did not reflect a recent $319.00 payment made on June 8, 2011 which cleared my local checking account on June 9, 2011. I thought there was an error--but I was informed that my payment would not be credited to my Credit Card until Midnight June 16, 2011 after she toyed around with the release of funds date, I assume.
I was told that this practice of holding onto your payments for at least 7 days or more could and does happen to just about everyone. Isn't that bank fraud? It seems that in my case USAA used my $319 for whatever purposes they chose (maybe an executive lunch?).
Today, my available credit is what it should have been 7 days ago. So watch out! USAA is using payments to their own advantage instead of doing the ethical thing of crediting your account when the money is received. By the way, no notice of this policy came my way and if you multiply my transaction by thousands of customers, what the heck kind of bank is that.
Even though their ads seem friendly, their financial people seem to be less than honest in favor of the bottom line. Thanks for the bailout and riding on the backs of our military both veterans and active duty. Just another injustice to the "common" people
June 29, 2011
I have been a member since 1998 with USAA, I'm AD and a carrier counsoler, We feel upon hard times, and filed bankrupsey in 2009, After it was confirmed by the courts USAA blocked all my accounts and I was only able to use Mobile phone accesse, Being far from any branch we lost check deposit by scan, and now they said I would have to mail my money for a depoit, well thats not going to happen, if its lost i will never be able to get another check from the person I sold something too. Eitherway we have been dealing with it, I'm unhappy but I also see thier side, I just wished that they would look at me as their customer and my history with them, which was a #1. By the way I kept my loans outside of the Bankrupsey with USAA, we were alsways in good standing with them and like others praised them for above and beyound service.
Heres where it's gets interesting, I have been a loyal customer with USAA, being an AD Army Soldier, and a Counselor, I'm honest too Honest come to find out. My son decided to do his own thing after Graduating High School, well needless to say he realy went off the deep end got in with the wrong crowed and got into a lot of trouble. So while he was not liveing at our House and following our rulse I removed him from our Auto Insureance, that took and act of congress darn near, I had to fill out a statement saying he was not living at home and say that he would never drive one of our vehicles again. I was not happy but agreed, they still would not take him off my insurence so I told them he has been getting into trouble with the law and I do not want him on my insurance, they asked what kind of trouble and I told them, Burgerly of a Building (took Candy), Burgerly of a habitation (took achole out of weekend home), and stole a truck. These actions were completly wrong and he was caught. His punishment is 10yrs deferred Jail time, with 5yrs probation and almost 20, 000.00 in fines and 800 hrs of comunity Service. I thought it was steep but funny at the same time since I was an MP for the first 12 yrs in the Army and he knew how I felt about all that.
He did not do any damage to anthing and no claim resulting from his actions to any Insurence Companies. After over 10 yrs with USAA they told me they were going to drop my home owners insurance due to his felonies. They said it was morial tupitude, and that as long as MY SON LIVED WITH ME I WAS NOT GOING TO BE INSURED UNDER USAA. I ask them so if I kick my son out who is now back on tract lives at home has a job and paying for his mistakes. That they would not drop me. We went round and round about it I took it all the way to the top and still I was being dropped, remind you no claim on any insurence mine or for the people places he broke into.
USAA says because I was truthful about my son thats why im being droped, that they consider it moreal turpitude, Now if he would have commited these crimes before the age of 18 it's ok. I also brought it to their attention the following;
1. USAA still insures DWI drivers.
2. USAA still allows people who write checks that bounce (In Texas anything over a $1, 000.00 is a felony) to be insured.
You will love this part; because the customer does not bring it to their attention for the checks it's ok. Remember USAA is aware of who bounces checks and they consider that none morel turpitude, and DWI well it's ok, it's not moral turpitude.
I told them that thier are people who are insured with USAA that has had a feloney and they know about it (DWI and Hot checks) and its OK, but if you follow the Military Code of eithics and be up front and honest they will drop all you Insurances.
I just want USAA members to understand that if one of your Family members has a feloney and something happens where you need to use your insurance beaware that they will more than likely not pay. You will be dropped. So USAA is not such a mirrow of the Military as they state in their comercials on tv NOR DO THEY HAVE OUR SOLDIERS INTERESTS AT HEART, Mind you it was not me the AD member it was my son and as long as my son will try to do the right thing, I will give him that chance to be a productive member of society. He is paying for his mistakes a think very harsh but at the same time funney because I'm also an MP at Heart, I make fun and remind him for 2 months of complete fredom he will be paying for the next five yrs if he's good if not hill do ten years for 2 months of fum.
But USAA who I have recomended to Hundreds of soldiers yes hundreds I made a mistake because I thought USAA was a Military bank for the Soldiers, its not like I THE AD SOLDIER DID IT, IT WAS MY SON, AND I WILL NOT KICK/PUT MY SON OUT ON HIS xxx WHEN HE IS TRYING TO MAKE UP AND CORRECT THE THINGS HE DID WRONG AND HE IS PAYING FOR HIS MISTAKES, I fulley agree with the Courts, even though I think it was a little stiff, Hey He knew better. USAA well Inever thought that they could or would do that to anyone.
Last but not least You will not find anywhere in the USAA contracts creditcards, auto insurance or home owners policy, that if you have a felone live with you they will not cover you, it's how'ed they put it, IT's AN INTERNAL DECISION. I'M GLAD THERE NOT ON THE FIGHTING LINES COVERING MY BACK, ANYMORE !!!
Mark Herrmann
May 20, 2011
Auto Insurance/Money management.
Ok, this is what happened. I been banking with USAA for almost 3 years. Last november I just bought a car and chose USAA as my auto insurance. The insurance lasted 6 months. It expired May 5th, 2011. On May 7th I went with State Farm insurance. May 13th I realized USAA insurance had auto-renewal, but I already joined State Farm. USAA insurance took out $370. I called USAA and told them it was a mistake. I had USAA canceled and they set it up to where I get the $370 back in my checking account at USAA. I made this call Sat. May 14th. They started the process on Monday and they said it be 3-5 days. Well that left me we little money to manage with. I checked Wed, nothing. Thursday, nothing. Friday, still nothing. It's been 5 days already and still nothing. I'm living off of $2. I called them today and told them about it. So they reprocess it and said I won't see it till Mon or Tues. WTF?! I been waiting for that money like they said. Took 3-5 days nothing. Now I got to to wait another 3 days to get my money? USAA was very unorganized with this and I trusted them until this day now I'm not sure if I can trust them.
April 12, 2011
Auto Insurance Cancellation
USAA cancelled my car insurance because I did not get a CARCO inspection which is ONLY for used vehicles. I bought my car BRAND NEW and the USAA agent assumed my car was USED 3 months later. I made a claim on my insurance about damages to learn that it would'nt be covered because they cancelled it! I learned about the cancellation 3 weeks after my insurance was terminated. It is THEIR fault for assuming my car was new. Now I cannot get my car repaired because USAA messed up!!! SHAME on you USAA, I've trusted you for years and no longer will I do so.
Joseph Acosta
April 3, 2011
Lost payment
My wife and I are going thru a divorce and I get to keep the home in GA.I called USAA and asked were to sent the payment.They gave me the loan number and city and PO box to sent it to.They gave me the wrong po box.15 days later a call comes from USAA asking for payment.I told them i had sent it thru my bank and they had it.They told me they did not have it.We called my bank and they told USAA it was sent and would send proof of payment.I called back to USAA to make sure everything was ok but now they could not find proof of payment so my bank sent another one.I called back again just to follow up and they could not find it again.So here we go again my bank sent another.I call back on the first of April to see what is going on and get told they could not find it but know it was sent because there was a note that said it was.I tell the guy"Look i was told by USAA not to make another untill this gets cleared up" I told him my next motgage payment is due now and would like to pay it and last months and when you find the lost money just add it to next payment>that will give you a month to find it.Later that day about 6 or 7 PM i get a call from USAA asking for payment.I asked the guy.WHY are you calling me?I made my payment 2 time its not my falt you people lost it.He tells me OHh.I see you did a payment by phone.Well I am calling about April payment.NOW I AM HOT.I said what?He tells me I am calling to see when you are going to make April payment.I told him .This is the 1st of April and i have untill the 15th to get it in and want to know why he is calling me about it on the first.(I know why they think they are not going to get their money) and I told him that.I also told him I was very unhappy with USAA and if his dumb BUTT would have red the notes he would not be calling me because I made 2 payments .One to cover the one they lost and the one for this month and they USAA still have one mortgage payment that is due me.I told him i was payed up to date and he said yes I was.POINT of story.USAA is just another big bank.Their clame to stand behind the people that served and serve in the armed forces is all crap.Well that may not be true.They stand behind them so far all they see is money they lose sight of the people THEY say they support.Joseph M.Acosta
March 29, 2011
Auto claim service
I was rear-ended by a USAA policy holder - in the 3 days since, my ins co has had an adjuster come to my house, provide an appraisal, and a list of shops nearby that I could consider using for repairs - I have made several calls to USAA - once they are able to get in touch with their policyholder, and determine fault - they will let me know about an appraisal and repair. My issues are - their policy holder hit me and is at fault - I had to sit ion the side of the road with my crying Grandson for 3 hours waiting for an accident report to be filed - now I have the choice of paying my deductible and having the repair done - or driving around with a big hole in my NEW car until USAA can speak with their policyholder and determine fault. I even offered to fax a copy of the accident report which reflects the other driver was at fault and cited for following too close.
March 21, 2011
If you are looking for good customer service and fast claim service, do not call USAA
If you are looking for good customer service and fast claim service, do not call USAA. They never answer their phones and won’t call you back and it takes 3 days for them to answer their emails. Our truck was hit over 6 weeks ago and we still don’t have the money. They offered us $2500 dollars below blue book value and refuse to even talk to us.
They have now posted the dollar amount that they are paying us and it is $200 dollars short from the amount they said we would get. Unless you enjoy being screwed over, look for a different company.
March 9, 2011
USAA dropped my insurance today as a result of a single vehicle accident with no injuries. I called to complain about the customer service I received and received a return call later stating I was dropped. I have been with them almost 20 years. Thanks for nothing USAA. On the bright side, I received lower rates from another company when i checked around. They are great and don't complain about collecting your money, just about taking care of you when you actually need them. Former member 5288965.
Retired Navy
March 8, 2011
harrassing collection
I just got off the phone with harrassing USAA agent and I have experienced the same 15 or more calls a day, and I mostly ignore, but my Dad called me and said they were now calling him and he is 83 years old and doesn't need this. There is got to be a way to file class action lawsuit against this type of harrassment. I'm retired military and have been with USAA for more than 20 years. ANYONE READING THIS DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH USAA! CONTRARY TO WHAT THEY ESPOUSE THEY DO NOT SUPPORT OR SERVE US SERVICEMEMBERS. I intend to divest all insurance, banking, etc. business with them as soon as I am past my current situation, and I advise all current customers to do the same. If you are even considering home mortgage, car, life, home owner's insurance or any business with USAA-DO NOT DO IT!! You will regret it after one incident. It's truly a sad state of affairs. I wonder do the retired Flag Officers that comprise their Board of Directors know the extent of how they really treat their military customers, or maybe they are the one's leading the charge to harrass. Any attorney reading this and the many other harrassment complaints against USAA, you probably have a very solid case for joining us all together and filing a class action lawsuit against this reprehensible behavior!
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