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USAA Reviews

Larry March 3, 2009
Terrible company
My complaint is in regards to an accident that transpired on 11 Aug 06 under USAA Policy # 1541-35-53. The representative we spoke with after the accident stated that my wife was at fault due to the fact that she still had use of her brakes even though the brake usage had been diminished because of the previous accident that was not completely. The justification was that she may not have had 100% of the use but still had functional use of the vehicle. This did not bother us at the time because USAA did not raise our rates.

After switching from USAA to Progressive we were informed that the “at fault" accident on 11 Aug 06 would cause us to pay an increased rate. Upon hearing this accident was affecting our premium on the 16 Feb 09 I contacted USAA with the assistance of Progressive via a three way call. The USAA representative informed that the original rep would have to handle contesting their decision. Later that day, the claim rep's manager called me to inform that the fault of the accident was not the brakes because the repair shop inspected them before releasing our vehicle and couldn't find anything wrong. I informed the manager that my wife and I took our SUV to the dealership where the maintenance manager test drove the car with us and stated there most certainly was an issue with the brakes. Koon's Toyota replaced the Master Cylinder and the brake issue was resolved.

The USAA manager then stated that the two instances were not related because of the inspection done by the repair shop and the assessment completed by the insurance adjuster. I informed that the failure of their people to identify a problem doesn't automatically make the issue my wife's fault.

The USAA manager questioned why we waited so long because the incident was now outside their statute of limitations which was two (2) years. I informed that our rates had never increased for this accident until we switched insurance agencies. At this point the manager challenged the fact that our rates never went up…which they didn't.

The USAA manager started to repeat her argument that the vehicle had been inspected and the original assessment would stand and that USAA could not and would not reverse a decision made over two years ago. I pointed out how USAA had told us that we were originally at fault because we had some use of the brakes when the accident happened even though it was associated the previous incident, then when we called back we were informed that the accident was unrelated to the previous incident with a convoluted explanation that is only valid if the master ABS cylinder went out within two days of our car was released to us.

Upon hearing this the USAA manager said she wasn't going to reverse the decision period. I then informed I would be submitting this complaint and ended our conversation.

USAA mislead regarding the reasoning of a claim which didn't surface until we switched insurance companies and is costing over $500 a year difference in premium.

I was only seeking a letter stating the accident was not at fault meaning my wife wouldn't be held accountable with an increased premium due to the automobile not being repaired correctly. But were instead mislead and then accused to cover the fact that they can no longer make the change. Progressive stated they could make the change up to 35 months back and that every company is different. Do yourself a favor, choose progressive or another insurance company over USAA.
Bela February 14, 2009
Terrible experience
I am insured by USAA and was hit by underinsured driver while stopped at a light. As a result of the collision, I suffered a severe spinal cord injury which required emergency surgery. There was no issue of liability.

My original adjuster was very helpful and told me the other driver's policy limits and that it appeared that she lacked any personal assets to pursue a individual claim against. He also informed me that it was clear that my claim would exceed both her and my insurance policies.

However, I spent over a year out of work, under heavy medication and unable to conduct my personal affairs. During this period, the original adjuster was replaced. When I was eventually able to address my personal affairs the new adjuster refused to confirm the information previously provided. The new adjuster told me that if I provided a list of all my medical expenses, USAA would tell me if my claim exceeded the insurance limits ($100K) of the policies. My medical bills alone were well over the $100K at the time of this conversation.

Once I provided this extensive accounting, the adjuster then told me that they needed a medical release to get all the records before they could evaluate my claim. It was clear that after my family wasted significant time compiling a complete accounting of all medical bills, USAA was just using the request as a delaying tactic. I provided the release with only a few months before the statute of limitations as they were now insisting they needed it. I was told repeatedly not to worry as they would be able to quickly resolve the claim. However, USAA sat on my medical release for a month while the other insurance company received all of the medical documents within days and informed me that my claim exceeded their insurance limits within this period.

With weeks left before the statute of limitations ran and after several conversations, the USAA adjuster told me that there was no question that my injuries were caused by the accident and that they were contacting the other insurance company to have them fax a few more of the bills to satisfy the claim amount. (My initial hospital bill and emergency surgery exceeded $75K.)

With less than 10 days left, I was informed that they still had not reviewed medical documents received weeks before or obtained bills from the other insurance company and the adjuster had taken leave. I was told to talk to her supervisor to find out what they still needed in her absence. However, he refused to tell me how many more bills they would need to complete my claim (so I could fax them myself; the assigned adjuster told me not to fax the additional medical bills because it would be quicker to obtain from the other insr co.) and just kept blaming me for the delay, even though he knew from my file that I was medically unable to conduct personal affairs for well over a year, I had complained they were using delaying tactics and they had not acted on my medical release. He then told me that he was also taking a long holiday weekend and that another adjuster would call me.

When I angrily told him to stop playing the blame game so we could resolve my claim and demanded that he provide me with the name and extension of the person and that they inform me in writing through email what they needed to complete my claim, he left a message on my phone telling me that they would not be able to resolve my claim before the statute of limitations (forcing me to spend several hundred dollars to file in court), that they were now demanding to see every bill and all my medical information for three years prior to the accident or they would completely deny my claim. Additionally, he they would not release any payment until they ensured that any liens (I had federal health insurance) were paid. USAA adjusters are a bunch of liars, who practice unethical delaying tactics, and unfair claim practices. Beware of USAA!! You may think they are great -- that is until you have to file a claim!!
JustMe January 25, 2009
HORRIBLE Mortgage Servicing
I have been a member of USAA since 1953, so I never thought I would be complaining about them.

I refinanced my mortgage last year, not knowing (and not being informed) that USAA now uses US Bank as its mortgage server. Based upon years of experience as a commercial customer of US Bank, I want nothing to do with this customer-UNfriendly bank. Had I been informed in advance that US Bank is the mortgage server for USAA, I would NOT have gone through with the refinance.

I have had nothing but trouble with this loan. Never in my life have I been required to pay my property taxes and homeowner insurance into an impound account. USAA now requires this of me. Worse yet, according to US Bank, my annual homeowner insurance premium is $800, when in fact it is only $400. I am being charged double for this error and no matter how many contacts I have had with US Bank, the record is not corrected.

Last month, without legal basis US Bank demanded that I pay $1, 000 additional into the impound account, in order not to increase my monthly mortgage payment. I sent my check immediately - intending to resolve the errors and get a refund later - and it CLEARED MY BANK 4 days later, on December 12th.

Mortgage Statement received yesterday (dated January 16th) reflects NO record of this additional payment, and my mortgage payment has been bumped up, in clear violation of the instructions I received from the US Bank Mortgage customer "service" rep on December 8th.

HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE mortgage "servicing, " unless one enjoys being a target of extortion.

After researching complaints of this type, I realize that this is not an isolated incident -- it is the norm.

I urge you NOT to borrow from USAA!
HWJ December 6, 2008

USAA sold me mortgage to US Bank. I applied for a loan with USAA and next thing I know, USAA will not provide services. US Bank has an unfriendly website and bad customer service.

Do not use USAA for a mortgage.
October 8, 2008
credit line
I had been a loyal customer of USAA. Last month I cancelled my car insurance, of 20 years . I had moved to another State and gave the car to my daughter. I stated that when we did purchase another vehicle it would be up to my (husband to be) who he wanted to go with. He has been with his insurance company for 30+ years. I was told for a fee that they could hold my account open so I could get the same rate. We know that is not the truth. Another person told me, because of my great rating that I would be taken back. I have never ever been late with my car insurance or any other payments. Yesterday in the mail I get a letter stating because of my credit history they took my credit line from $13, 500 to $5, 200.

#1 Never have I had my card to my limit
#2 I never asked to have my limit raised it was done because of my credit history
#3 I have not used this card in over 10 months
#4 Some time this past summer I sent in $3, 000 payment. I have no minimal payment due but I send in a good amount each month.

My limit was taken down, for one reason only!!! I cancelled my car insurance with you. I don't need this card nor did I ever need a $13, 500 on my credit line. You people are nothing but a scam. Over the years I have gotten people to go with USAA, I will now tell people my story and call the ones who still have business with you, including my family. My dad has been with USAA for a life time. He is 88 and still living and still is with you. I will get him switched.
September 19, 2008
Terrible place
I've been a member of USAA for quite some time, and over the years I've had nothing but praise for this financial institution. Regrettably, due to some financial restraints on my part, one of my credit accounts went into delinquency. While this is completely my fault and I'm in the process of trying to resolve, USAA has since blocked all on-line access to ALL of my accounts.

As I'm in the process of resolving this, I now have no access to online deposits, and they discontinued with next day deposits with UPS, nor can I accurately maintain my other accounts within USAA and pay bills accordingly or even deposit funds in a timely manner to pay the outstanding debt in question.

I admit, I was in the wrong with my delinquency, and although I'm trying to resolve, by not providing any access to my other accounts, (and apparently other people have the same problem) this is the set-up of an absolute financial meltdown for those with multiple accounts with this organization.

Astonishingly, even the Texas Banking Commission was surprised to hear my story.
August 21, 2008
Bad service
On Wednesday Nov 11 2007 around 10:00 pm my vehicle (1996 Ford F150) was involved in an accident with another vehicle that ran a red light and hit my truck. The police report was very detailed on who was at fault in the accident and all information was listed on the report. I call in Saturday morning to see if a claimed had been filed and it had and I got the claim number and assumed that I would hear for the insurance company since their driver was at fault. I did not receive any calls, so on Tuesday Nov 13 I called to check status of claim and was told that they needed to do their own investigation by calling and interviewing their driver and the other parties involved and that it could take several months to get this claim closed.

Meanwhile, I had gone out the next day and purchased another truck because I use this vehicle for my work and needed a replacement vehicle.

I had to continue to make daily calls for updates and to push for them to get this claimed settle. Once they accepted liability for the loss their offer was very low and I had to fight with them to get a better offer that was still not to my satisfaction. These are my main complains:

1. All calls where had to be made by me to get anything going with this claim.

2. They did not want to take liability for the losses even though it was clear on the police report that their driver was at fault.

3. The settlement was not satisfactory but I felt I did not have any other choice that to accept final offer because if I did not I would be left with the junk and had to store the vehicle.
March 10, 2008
Car Insurance ripoff!
I got out of my car to get something out of the back, and left the driver's side open. The car next to me had occupants, which I knew. Then, the wind blew my door into the other guy's car. There's no dent--just a paint scrape. USAA says this is the same as having an at fault accident on the freeway, and wants to raise my rates probably a few thousand dollars a year (since we have five cars insured with them). The entire damage probably barely comes to my $500 deductible. I offered to just pay the guy's damages myself, but USAA says no. (Why miss a bogus opportunity to squeeze a policyholder?).

We've had USAA for 10+ years, and they've made a lot of $$ off of us. Just last year they wouldn't let us change my husband's life insurance from 20 yr term to 30 yr term just because he was deployed. (How silly is that--no matter what, they're on the hook for the next 20 yrs, no matter how many deployments he's got left).

After reading about USAA locking out people's bank accounts, I think we'll be closing our accounts and moving them to Bank of America. We've been really pleased with their service.
March 5, 2008
Scam and rip off!
After being a loyal employee of USAA for 10 years, I was layed off in 2006 due to downsizing.Because of my drastic drop in salary while searching for a new position USAA retested me for reemployment in September 2007 and sent me for a drug test which were both passing and basically rehired. Until they ran my credit and realized it had gone poor they decided i did not qualify for the position because of the credit issue and did not actually hire me. A month later in October of 2007 i had to declare bankruptcy because I had really fallen behind in all of my debts, mortgage. Being insured with USAA in all lines of business (CAR, HOMEOWNERS, PERSONAL ARTICLES FLOATER, and LIFE) end even all banking products with USAA for the past 10 years, I remained faithful with the company for my business with them, that is until in 12-2007 USAA wrote me to let me know that because of the bankruptcy status they would not renew my policies at the end of the current policies which were car insurance in 1-2008, Home insurance in 2-23-2008. Unfortunately on 1-23-2008 The main entrance to my home was broken the whole frame of the door was broken and door broken into and everything (Jewelry, electronics, computers, etc.) was stolen. A police report was filed immediately To this date 3-6-2008 my door still has no security lock and any one can just push in the door an enter the home. Then on the contents USAA has placed a special investigator (Supposedly) she could never show or answer to any credentials come to my home and ask to look through all of my personal things, I agreed, why I do not know, but she did, and of course found nothing. I have nothing to hide I exclaimed to her, then told her that since we were in my home I was recording our conversation she replied, "She was not comfortable with that" I told her it was still happening since we were in my home, USAA had sent me a letter stating that if I were to have any fraud or false statements they would not honor my statements. And on the letter it also states that if I want to hire an attorney at my expense I could. So this is exactly what i did, A representative (HR Director) of my attorneys firm was invited to sit in my home with this "PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR" (Cynthia Esquivel) she stated "I am not comfortable with this at all" and went on to say that she would not conduct the meeting with me on the cas and would only take any paper work and she would make her determination from there. She took paperwork copies I made for her and left. (All conversation is on recording) She was extremely rude, and hostile. On Thurs 2-28-08 I received a phone call from contractor "Alamo flooring and Construction" stating that USAA had approved the door replacement and that he had contacted the door company and they told him all I had to do was go and pay my part of the door so that week could get started. Being that I work 2 full time jobs (day and night) I was not able to until Sat. 3-1-08. Since I am not a crook it never dawned on me that the quote given to me from the Front Door company had a few scratch outs on it where the person that made the quote had made mistakes and corrected them. I faxed this quote to USAA not even thinking any thing of this effect would come in. The representative at the Front Door company let me know that USAA had sent an investigator to see if the quote i faxed to them matched theirs because they felt I had altered it. Of course it did match, I never would of even thought about this. I am very humiliated by all the allegations USAA has put on me and the mental anguish that this horrible company has put me through. My situation makes me wonder how many people that do not know better get taken advantage like this by USAA. I was a victim when my home was broken into and the privacy of my home was invaded. USAA made my situation even worse instead of protecting me like I had been paying them to do all these years. This situation needs to be stopped and taken seriously and investigators for USAA need to show credentials before they can just walk in someones home and expect to go through their personal lives. And they need to realize that I am comfortable with them recording my conversations with them, what are they hiding that they are not comfortable with the consumer recording them. I will go as far as i can not only to protect myself and my family but any one who has to go through the nightmare that USAA has created for me.
December 28, 2007
Scam and cheating!
I had insurance, and currently have Banking, a auto loan and Credit Card through USAA. In the past I was not the best at paying my Insurance on the exact date that was posted. But I did always pay them in full for what they wanted. Never had a problem until earlier this year when they decided that because I was not paying them in full. (Witch I know was my fault.) That I can no longer have access to my Bank, Credit card and Auto Loan online. In fact now all I can do is call them and wait for 30-40 min jsut to get a account balance. Since then I have taken my banking els wear. But what the hell, ok I understand the insurance and such. But I have always paid everything... especially the insurance before then policy period ended. My COMPLAINT here is why am I being treated like a second rate customer.

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