USAEbuy is a complete rip off. I ordered a Gucci handbag that was guaranteed to be authentic. I immediately did a little research on the company and requested via email to cancel my order and to not ship the bag to me. I did this several time for a week. Finally they charged my account and the bag was on my steps the next day.
It is the furthest from authentic that it can possibly be. The 'leather' is plastic. The magnetic snaps do not even line up so the front pockets don't close. The dust bag is a cheap burlap bag with 'Gucci' spray painted on the bag, literally spray painted with a bad stencil. The telephone number that is on the website doesn't even exist. The telephone number that I found with an online directory is constantly busy for days now. I have sent emails requesting instructions on returning this item and I get no reply. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY.
I am going to be reporting USAEbuy to The Internet Crime Complaint Center but am sure that will not get me back my $70. My gut told me not to make this purchase and I did it anyway. If anyone has information about how to get a refund from this company please let me know! Thanks!