My name is Makhmood Hussain
Mobil No:- 00966508749830
P.O.Box:- 13357 Postal Code:- 51493 Buridah K.S.A
As per I got mail from [email protected] Dated 8/02/2011 that i have been selected as one of the Diversity Visa (DV) program winner
for receiving a United States permanent Resident Card.Also known as Green Card Lottery, Known as
"diversity immigrants" (DV immigrants).
As part of our agreement they will issue free air line ticket from my country to USA.
They told me that U.S Department of state will contact me soon about visa processing information.
but still up to now 29/06/11 no body contact me .
Please help me to get beanifited from my winning DV Lottery program.
Makhmood Hussain
00966508749830 Mobil
0096663246089 Residance