The subscriber # assigned to me is: 1126414383 in an unsolicated bulk mail letter which welcomed me to Value Plus.
Please cancel my account.
I called the 800-475-1942 number listed in the letter on 6/16/09 at @ 7:50 PST and spoke to a Shannon - who said she cancelled my order, which she claims I placed on the internet. I do not recall ever placing such an order.
DO NOT CHARGE ANYTHING TO CREDIT CARD ENDING IN: ...6358. I do not know how you obtained my credit card number and that concerns me.
DO NOT charge my credit card account for any fees - that means the $1.95 trial fee nor any $19.95 monthly amount after the trial period.
Cancel my account immediately.
Again, cancel this account and any charges associated with this company. I do not wish to ever use this service. The annual cost is $240/year! {$19.95/month} + $1.95.
If you would like a copy of the letter, let know.