I wanted to try to make money at home by checking websites. What I would be checking exactly was not specified, but would be when I got my package in the mail. The shipping was the only charge that I would be accountable for. The charge was $1.97.
After waiting several weeks, I tried contacting the company by email and phone. I had absolutely no luck whatsoever. I continued to try, partly because I wanted the package and also because I was being charged a monthly membership fee of $69.97. After several failed attempts, I contacted my credit card company. I recently (this past Tuesday; it's Thursday) received a letter from my credit card company stating that they've had no luck contacting them as well. They've asked me to jump in again and try otherwise my investigation will be cancelled.
I wasn't going to complain over losing $2.00, but this continued charging is out of control and unacceptable. If anyone has had this same situation resolved, I would LOVE to know how you did.