is fake along with any other websites that claim to sell "discount authentic" LV bags... they do not exist. Unfortunately, i fell victim to, i had my reservations about it and bought from them before doing any research and everything i have read about them now makes sense. However, they charged my credit card and shipped my item so fast (less than 24 hours after order), which i found to be rather suspicious because i have ordered from authentic stores before it they ship in at least 1-2 days after ordering. I guess wanted to make sure and charge before i changed my mind, of which i did but it was too late to stop payment on the charges.
It is a $315.00 mistake i will definitely never repeat. Next time i will just save money and pay full price for the real deal. i am pretty sure i'm not getting a refund from them. There are only two real websites for and - same company.
Be careful. i learned the hard get what you pay for.
Hints on how to tell is fake:
1.The photos of the bags advertised are not what you will receive in the mail. probably photos from
2. They charge and ship your item almost immediately
3. They do not respond to customer emails(at least not as fast as they charge your credit card and ship your item)
4. Their reviews have a perfect score. Try posting a negative review, they will not show it. I don't care how good your products are; no business gets a perfect score.