A fellow named Keith Atkins is manager of this, the worst Verizon store I've encountered in four states of service. Not only is he dismissive and rude to customers, he also runs a staff that can't ever seem to even apologize for selling equipment so defective you have to return it again and again. Heaven help me when I actually dropped one of their phones in water. Keith literally threw the pamphlet at me showing all the steps to get another one...AS IF I hadn't paid for the insurance and their outrageous phone plans, AND had to go through their ridiculous insurance process to get a replacement. (REALLY, you need me to FAX you my driver's license?) which NEVER seem to meet the needs. WHERE ARe those plans posted anyway? There seem to be a million of them and what you get depends on which "service rep" answers the phone.
I'd love to bag the plan but can't get a clear story on what it will cost me to quit these creeps.
I'm sure there's a class action suit just sitting out there, waiting for all of us unsatisfied custoers to join.
Verizon is riding pretty high and it's employees must think they're untouchable. But even big trees fall. And so will these idiots, if we just keep up the pressure.
Or file suit. Let me know if anyone has anything going on along those lines.
I went through the trouble of filling out their online customer service form...twice. Don't bother.