I accidently made an international calls using Verizon home phone. And when the bill came, it charges me $66.87 for 23 minutes (almost $3 per minute).
What upsets me most is how arrogant and inflexible Verizon is. I made more than 4 calls to ask to change the rate they charge me to a lower one like $1 per minute. They plainly refused it.
Compared to other companies while I felt treated like a customer, Verizon just doesn't care. Each time the representative repeated "that is the policy, we can't change. You made a mistake, you pay for it".
So here is Verizon: first they set up trap for additional revenue stream. Then they push the sale to you for buying their international plan when you complain. However, if you don't want their international call plan, they are very arrogant to change the rate.