Verizon's Billing Department and Custoner Service really Sucks.
I have had Verizon FIOS for almost 12 Months now and I am ready to go back to Comcast. Why one might ask.
Verizon promises Promotion of HBO and Cinemax free for 3 Months, and then starts charging $22.99 per month for no reason. Calling Verizon to get an answer and get a Credit is another Task by itself, that I have given up calling them anymore, I use the live chat.
I once singed up for auto bill deduction from my Bank Account, and then stopped this feature on my account twice. Still has not taken effect and Verizon is still withdrawing my incorrect bill amount from my Bank account.
I am so fed up, so fed up with their service that I am ready to move to Comcast as of this coming week.
One night my call to Verizon Customer Service took nearly 80 Minutes, why? I called one service, after 20 minutes on hold Rep said we only service NY Customers. Gave me another number. Called that Number and waited another 10 Minutes and then was transferred to another number which disconnected. So called again and waited another 30 Minutes, finally did not get any right answer.
Short & sweet, if you can do without Verizon, don't get it, their customer Service really sucks...