I just bought a brand new townhome this is fanatic, but Verizon spoils the party, if you are someone doesn’t need, or want to pay $40 to $50 dollars for super-fast internet. Verizon seems to force you to buy fios, because if you have a new home, with fiber-optics, you can no longer have high-speed or DSL from Verizon.
I feel this is BS, and if their really is a reason, this is still forced, and planned by Verizon to force customers in pay for more internet then you really need.
I will go back to dial-up internet, or no internet, until fios prices are more fair, or I can get high-speed for $19.99, to 29.99, which a fair price. I only hope I talk others into following me, Verizon won’t end this B.S if people just give in.