We had FIOS tripple service and canceled two parts of the three in Feb of 2010 due to moving and placing our home for sale. In May we canceled the phone as well. We verified the cancelation of service. In April of 2011 I received a 75.00 aproximate ding on my credit report from Verizon for this line. The catch is I received a refund for overpaying the last of my service, Verizon actually permitted a SQUATTER to rehook my service at my house! I just confirmed with with Verizon I have a victim letter saying this was fraud, I have proof via police reports and even convictions of theives thanks to the DA in that area and Verizon claims they feel I am liable for a criminal who used my home we are trying to sell for serice in my name! They said I am welcome to pay their collections agency for the criminals charges or lump it. Four departments said either NOT my department or well yes ID theft if you own th ehouse you are liable.
This is insane! I wrote them a letter with the press release of the arrests made in my case, case numbers the cover sheets to the last court date for the criminals and a letter from the DA and the 75.00 they are standing firm. My largest regret is using Verizon for over 7 years faithfully until they permitted some slime bag charge fees in my name!
Verizon your policy is implosive!