This company is in violation "in my opinion of the (RECO ACT) as organized crime!"
They do not provide adequate services to the people in Rural Under-Developed Areas, over charging for services, jamming wireless signal services from other wireless service providers, allow criminals to wire tap citizens in this area whom are against the criminal acts such as "illegal drug manufacturing;" "drug trafficking;" "home invasions;" and inform citizens that they will never allow/provide secure land-line services in the area.
If you complain about their services, they may mis-direct your calls purportedly, through a long distance service by billing certain persons for calls out of the United States of America, agree they made a mistake and reverse the billing of said calls, then call you up and say that you will have to pay for the calls. Causing persons grief, and inform you to write their main offices, for your complaint in Florida, informing you from the California District that the main Office has no contact number for upper management.
They hope you are so debilitated, that you will make an arrangement to pay for the services anyway, even if you never ever called out of the country in your life in the first place!
If you call their fraud line, in which I suspect not so many people dis-oriented might be inclined to do so, you might get help. It was discovered certain calls made out of the country were actually calls made to law enforcement, and power company service providers. That is a lot of trouble for poor; disabled, and elderly people on a fixed income. The charges were reversed in the case of said citizen. It helped by contacting the FCC,
All services are not helping the police, they leave a recording to call 911 if you are suffering from an emergency situation.
Every time 911 is called, by the statute of protocol of criminal law procedure, the police have to go to the location in where-ever that such call was made from. And if your Doctor is in another county, someone cuts a fiber-optic wire under-ground, on purpose, or by mis-takes citizens are prone to do by not observing those "call before digging signs, " you may not be able to call anywhere but within your county. So they might encourage you to subscribe for wire-less services and keep your land line too.
If you were to remove your phone line all together being hateful for really bad characters in service provisions for wire telecommunications, you may find yourself in violation of the law for taking away 911 services from your home. If you have a phone line, no service paid for, 911 is suppose to work in and out of your home location. If you have a phone that depends on wire services to operate a wireless phone system through land line services, you are subjected to be spied on by skilled hackers scanning wireless frequencies! And if your power goes out, your phone will not have power to use your phone unless you have a battery back up system that will stay up long enough to make the necessary calls to your power company about the power outage. Land lines should be secure from illegal wire taps, you should have four wires to secure the call instead of two wires connecting you phone. And have an old hard wire phone handy to keep ease-droppers from listening into you conversations, especially if you are planning to make a trip a informing your friends you will be away for a while, even if it is a trip to the local store. It takes less than two minutes to pick most locks, and for professional spies, less than that!
If you loose power, your wires on the hard-line system have their own current for power supply. And the phone companies should not be able to make their own rules as they go just to suit their specific greed as need.
All businesses seem to have their hands out for federal subsidies, in which are generated by the money spent for every quarterly tax period, or fiscal year they call it. If all monies are spent, their allowances grow. More federal money acquired, more money can be put into their slush funds hidden for corporate pay offs!
the phone companies are even buying into your television sets as well. Advertisement moves the world. World is another social word for a code name as war! Taxes without representation is running your common grounds.
And I am not complaining to you people in these details!
I am giving you complementary information about what is going on besides the poaching of wildlife. That organized crime is the police these days, and you citizens are being spied on through your high definition television sets as well. Mirrors that have a silver backing may be used too as well for spying. And plastics are made intelligent enough these days through nano technologies, that certain materials may have embedded technologies within it's casing, all it takes is the logistics of your location, lead-less paint inside the structure of your homes, and your criminal agents out to take everything they can from you with the right tools to know exactly what is going on in your home. All the way down to how many ants, roaches, rodents, and spoiled meats on your premises.
They are not protecting your health by removing the lead from your homes people, X-Ray rooms are lead lined sheet rocked to keep the Rays in or out of the area.
You are not being invaded by aliens my children! You are being singled out according to your conformity towards the leaders in your lives!
I am your Observer, their Observer, and I do not have Seven heads to inform you about the best way to survive your embedded anarchic beings in all regions of HELLO OPERATIVES! I am Number nine! I am way ahead of times because they that made you left me far behind!
At 11:00 post morrow, seventh knight's night of 2011... I am Taurus, the Rooster, Heather! And need you to restore my physical life! OXEN Mayan, and leaping out of here right now! THE ART HEAR THE ART HEART HE ART EARTH... Dah-dit-dah-dit dit-dit dit-dah ... Burned In Bertram 11:05 pm it's HULLO PAPA!!! Chapter One, Smith Family Robinson... lets get this party started says Dave and Reforges Feldman... ayah.. Letter .. my girlfriend.. whom .. ever.. you.. are.. this is my bottle... police save me sweet heart!! i am Re- Tara-Dead & Feathers Baby Girl(*?) Ho! Ha Hum-mm! Later haters... 11:12pm minutes and 6X24 days +1.