April 3, 2011
air time charges
I purchased the Mifi 2200 and a home phone connect device from verizon. The plan was to cancel AT&T home land line service at $74 a month and dial up internet $19 month. So for $50 a month I would have high speed Internet up to 5 gigs with the MIFI 2200 and $20 a month unlimited home phone with the verizon phone connect. The problems started when the MIFI 2200 would not auto download to either my laptop or pc. I ended up connecting it with a WIFI adapter. Another $70. But in the process of trying to get online with the verizon site to to fix the MIFI problems, I used my old netzero dialup connection to download from verizon site to try to fix the MIFI. BEWARE-the MIFI2200 will act as a modem. I thought I was hooking up to netzero dialup with my home phone connect with $20 a month unlimited, instead the MIFI connected thru a usb to my pc acted as a modem and I then incurred airtime charges thru the MIFI2200!!! In the 4 days of trying to download thru a slow dialup connection to fix the problems of MIFI ON THE VERIZON SITE, I incurred $214 in off peak and peak airtime charges, with no warning of what was happening. I did check on my usage on the verizon site during this 4 days, but since it was a new account, the Verizon site could not "analyze" my usage. It would show how much of the 5 gigs/per month I had used, but not airtime charges. I did not even know I wasa burning airtime!So much for saving $. After a long call to verizon techs, they said there was nothing they could do, I owed the $. I had talked to verizon local stores and techs online and by phone-they were no help at all thru this whole ordeal. I found out about the wifi adaptor thru complaint columns online.