So im using the face book app on my phone. i click on the inbox tab to check my messages. i message several people at a time, so each recipient's name comes up on a list under the inbox. but im not sending the same message to each person. my intention is to send different people different messages as i converse with each individual person on face book. as i attempt to send a message to one person my phone will occasionally not send the message. instead the blue status box will continue to say sending, even if i have found out that the message had already been sent. BUT TO A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON on my friend list.
In my case i was attempting to message my girlfriend. turns out the person that received this message was a female colleague of mine at work that i had been messaging business things to earlier that day. she was not happy to have received my love letter that was originally for my girlfriend. This caused painful embarrassment to me and i am now considering a new job.