I have the least expensive long distance plan on my landline phone that I can get($6.50 for 30 minutes). And of course if I go over I will be charged. Today I noticed on my bill that I was charged a "Short Fall" charge of $3.49 over and above the $6.50 (wow, how many months have I paid that). On the bill it says "Your long distance charges are $6.50. When your long distance charges are less than $9.99, the "Short Fall" charge is the difference between those charges and $9.99." WHAT? I called Verizon for an explanation because I could not believe what I just read... surely, I read it incorrectly.
"YES, " she said, "That is correct." Bottom line: If you don't use the 30 minutes, and even if you do and you don't have long distance adding up to at least $9.99 you WILL pay $9.99 anyway. That is totally absurd! Mind you, my total phone bill including Verizon Wireless averages $150.00 a month... And they want to make sure I use at least $10 in landline long distance?
My complaint is that Verizon is a totally unethical company. If they want me to spend $10 a month for long distance then that should be the plan they sell... not try to deceive me by making a $6.50 plan look good and add a dorky name to it to get $10 of long distance.
If I had a choice I would totally divorce Verizon... I've been paying that $3.49 for HOW LONG? I dont' even know!! I will be looking for other options!! Anyone reading this post: BUYER BEWARE! Thoroughly read your phone bills from Verizon, they are very creative in coming up with ways to add lots of cute little extras to your phone bill!