Here is documentation I took to record my experience with Verizon. The main thing to note is that Lisa, who works for Verizon collections, used profanity while harrassing me. This is illegal, a fact that I found out much later. Though what can a small guy do? Verizon Sucks.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Target of Complaint: <br /><br />
VERIZON<br /><br />
P.O. BOX 619009<br /><br />
DWF AIRPORT, TX 75261 <br /><br />
<br /><br />
Type of Complaint: <br /><br />
Select the type of complaint you wish to file. <br /><br />
3. Details of Complaint: Tell us about your complaint, <br /><br />
4. Personal Information: Tell us about yourself, <br /><br />
5. Submission to the BBB: Submit the complaint to the bureau.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Ad was placed in Verizon phone book without my consent.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
A Verizon representative, Zak Hobbs, called to inquire whether I would be interested in buying an Ad in Verizon Yellow Pages Phone Book. I agreed to listen to his offer. He mentions he could produce a proof for the ad for me to consider. He said that the ad would not go in the phone book without my approval, but in order to get the ball rolling, he needed a third party confirmation. Again, he said this was just to get designing the proof started but that it would not be printed without my permission. He said I would receive proof and then I could give the yes or no answer. I never received proof. <br /><br />
<br /><br />
A friend and business owner, R. Blackburn, recommended that I should call back and ensure they did not put my ad in the phone book. He mentioned he had similar problems with a sales rep from a phone book. I called Zak Hobbs (972-719-3649) who ensured it would not be put in. <br /><br />
<br /><br />
Received call from solicitors who said my ad was in the yellow pages. Called Zak Hobbs 3rd week in October after finding out ad was in yellow pages. Zak gave me the number of his manager Charles Boreno (972-719-3630). Called Charles and left message for him to call me back<br /><br />
<br /><br />
4th week October, Left another message on Charles voice mail<br /><br />
<br /><br />
5th week October, called Verizon billing, 1800-445-9050 x4575. Talked to Connie who said I would need to talk to Charles. She said she e-mailed Nov 2nd him a message to call me.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
1st week November 5th called Charles and left voice mail.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
2nd week November 11th, called Verizon billing, 1800-445-9050 x4575. Talked to Connie. Requested her to send another e-mail since Charles had not contact me yet.<br /><br />
Called 2nd week in November (11/18/04). Called 1-866-451-9905 talked to Lisa W. at collections. Told me that District Sales Manager was sent an e-mail. Offered me Zak’s rep supervisor. Told her I already had it, I had called him but no answer. Also explained how I was deceived regarding the ad. Mention the info in ad was wrong. She said I could talk to customer service for an adjustment.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
12/06/04 Called and talk to customer service. Informed them that the information in the ad was incorrect, and a brief history of my problem with their sales representative. She said that they will look over ad and give me a call back.<br /><br />
Received VM from Vergil from Verizon. Called him back at 1-800-445-9050 ext 4590. He listened to my complaint and mentioned if I choose to use Verizon, I would deal with Zak again. I informed him I had decided a few months ago not to use Verizon.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
12/22/04, Called Verizon billing at 1-800-445-9050. no answer 4575. Talked to Connie.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
12/28/04. Called Charles Boreno (972-719-3630). Was out of office. Called Melinda at 800-336-3407, extension 3964 – left message on voice mail regarding questions to my account<br /><br />
<br /><br />
12/29/04 Kathy Bond called me back (Melinda gave her my info). I mention the info in the ad was mostly incorrect and would like to see if I could have the billing cancelled. She said I should talk to customer service to about the incorrect listing. Informed her customer service told me to get into contact with George Boreno.<br /><br />
Called Verizon billing at 1-800-445-9050. Susie Watkins answered the phone. I informed her information was incorrect in the ad. She mentioned a ticket had already been opened. Transferred me to Virgil (1-800-445-9050 ext 4590) who had closed my ticket. Was cut off. Tried calling again a few times but was not able to get through.<br /><br />
Lisa, from Verizon Collection Departmen, treated me with contempt and threatened to take me to court. Without provocation, she said to me “fuck you”. <br /><br />
<br /><br />
Submitted complaint to BBB online<br /><br />
2/17/05 Received call from Jan (Verizon customer service: 972-518-2700 or 800-445-9050 ext 4559) inquiring about complaint sent to BBB. I explained the basis for complaint.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Abbreviated version for the BBB:<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Ad was placed in Verizon phone book without my consent.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
A Verizon representative, Zak Hobbs, called to inquire whether I would be interested in buying an Ad in Verizon Yellow Pages Phone Book. I agreed to listen to his offer. He mention he could produce an ad proof for me to consider at no cost and that the ad would not go in the phone book without my approval, but in order to get the ball rolling to design the ad proof, he needed a third party confirmation. He understood that much of the info in the ad would change such as price structure, phone#, etc. Again, he said this was just to get designing the proof started but that it would not be printed without my permission. He said I would receive proof and then I could give the yes or no answer. Never received proof. <br /><br />
<br /><br />
A good friend and business owner, Richard Blackburn, recommended that I should call back and ensure they did not put my ad in the phone book anyway. He mention he had similar problems with a sales rep from a phone book co. I called Zak Hobbs who ensured it would not be put in. <br /><br />
<br /><br />
3rd week in Oct: Received call from solicitors who said my ad was in the Verizon yellow pages. Called Zak Hobbs who gave me the number of his manager, Charles Boreno. Called Charles and left message for him to call me back. No call back<br /><br />
<br /><br />
4th week in Oct - Left another message on Charles voice mail. No call back.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
5th week in Oct - Called Verizon billing. Talked to Connie who said I would need to talk to Charles. She said she e-mail him a message to call me on Nov 2nd. No call back.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
The message I left on Charles Boreno's phone were tactful and friendly. This phone calling went on until Jan 2005, when I finally recieved a call from the Verizon Collection Department. The Rep, Lisa, treated me with contempt and threatened to take me to court. She told me to “fuck you”. I was astonished by such animosity. <br /><br />
<br /><br />