Dear Verison, or to WHOM it may consern!!
I am WRITNG to you today, notice that I am not CALLING sinc that is not an optona t this pint!!! that I just spend 40 minutes on hold and had to try 4 times to get through to speak with computer woman (not real, except one but then put on HOLD YET AGAIN *&*#$@!@) and then I half to pay $3.50 USD!!! extra to pay over the phone pay sostem! Inter net web site doesnt work for @#$% I had to stay on the phone, this is GOING TO COME OUT OF YOUR POCKET. Who is her name I forget but she siad to call a difnerent number and then tradnsfered me TO ANOTHER and then to aNOTHER!!
IF U WANT i can send u my acount numer so we can refune the acount, but I hjereby sweir!!! all the avovce is true. & oin good faith!!!
Dr M A Carnarvoro