I am a Business customer of Verizon Wireless. I usually go through my Verizon Business Representative or call business customer service, who have both been excellent in their customer service. However, today, I had to take care of an exchange immediately. I was told by my rep that I would be able to go to a Verizon Direct Retail store in order to take care of the exchange today. Little did I know that upon walking in the retail store you're supposed to SIGN IN...no matter what you are there for. I had not signed in and waited for 25 minutes to finally get someone to speak to me. The "customer service" person asked me if I was "so and so" and I said no. I immediately told her that all I needed was an exchange (I showed her the two items already in my hand). She said that she would have to me on "the list". I told her I had already waited 25 minutes and all I needed was an exchange..."Well, I don't know when you walked in" was her response!
Verizon needs to re-vamp their idiotic "policy" of having people sign in for everything! They should have ONE PERSON who can easily take care of simple purchases / exchanges without having to waiting behind people who don't know what plan their on or what phone they want. I know, for a fact, that I am not the only BUSINESS customer that is irritated by this nonsensical policy.
I was sooo upset that I took my item and left the store...in retrospect I should have asked for a manager, but let's face it, I probably would have had to "SIGN IN" for that too.