January 6, 2010
Rotten Service
March 2008, I set up my home internet connectivity via Verizon Wireless, as I had no dial-up where I live. They sent me an aircard (Novatel V720 to be exact) and for 19.5 months, everything worked pretty OK. However, though I was barely on to use my limited 6 G a month (any other company would've rolled that over) in October 2009, they charged me $250 due to overage charges! I called and they acknowledged that I'd never run up a bill that high, but they would NOT reimburse me the money. They merely "credited it to my account". It WILL came out of my bank account. Almost simultaneously, my aircard began to send me "Novatel Unplug" notices. Then, it wouldn't work at all. They tried to trouble shoot, but could never get my card to work again. They repeatedly offered to allow me to "upgrade". They sent me another aircard, but charged me $50 for it due to the fact that the card was over a year old, even though the problem was not my fault. But the unplug notices just kept on coming. I've been calling them, and they had me download new software, but the unplug notices STILL keep on coming. Day before yesterday, I spoke to Customer service who tried to help walk me through trouble shooting. Since then, I get Novatel Unplug notices about every 10-15 minutes, if I keep connectivity THAT long. Verizon insists that it's Mac's fault due to USB drivers. Apple Support says that is not the case because other users (including PC users) are also complaining about this issue. Now I am at an impasse, borrowing SOMEONE ELSE'S iconnectivity so I can complain. This is ridiculous. Verizon insists that the only resource is for me to UPGRADE! for a new 2 year contract and let them send me a new aircard. So, until I UPGRADE my service will NOT WORK? Yes, the customer service reps are nice, and seem OH SO CONCERNED that they help you. But, in the end, hasn't there been a news story recently about how WE the customer are THEIR (Verizon's) source of capital? They count on sucking a certain dollar amount out of all of us! I am out of work, and I can't believe that they continue to suck money out of me like I'm a millionaire! They've sucked me into a NEW cellular contract with a $300+ early termination fee. You'd think they'd have sucked enough out of me!