Two instances of incompetence within the Verizon/VerizonWireless company particularly in their billing and customer service areas.
First instance. Had Verizon home phone, dsl and tv (directv), wanted to get rid of my home phone so switched to their FIOS plan with just the tv and internet service. August 1 I paid my phone, dsl and directv bill to verizon, august 30 I switched plans. The following month 2 things happened. Directv called to say they hadn't been paid for that last month and the verizon is saying I owe for that months of thier service.
Here is what they did... 1. The never paid the directv bill from the prior month, instead they credited that payment back to VERIZON? 2. Upon switch my services they neglected to tell me they also changed my account number so my payments were going to the OLD account number instead of the new account number.
Upon calling customer service.. they said they would refund me the directv amount but I would still have to pay directv directly in the mean time. And they would transfer the payments from the old account to the new account. They transferred the payments from the old account to the new account however, they never refunded my directv money, they just credited it to the new account. Thus making me pay my directv bill twice. For my troubles, they said they could give me three months of free movie channels. What kind of I'm sorry is that because after the three months if I don't cancel them I'l lbe charged for them!
The second issue is just a disagreement on their shady end of contract/monthly cycle biling policy. Buyer beware if you are considering after you term agreement switching to another provider, make sure you do so AFTER your billing cycle is up. If you cancel your account before the complete month is up and have paid your full months bill, you will NOT get refunded the unused portion of that month. I was told they will not refund "just in case you go over your minutes for that month." What kind of a legimiate bussiness keeps money from their customers for services not used after they cancel their account?