My name is Jerome Washington I attending Westwood College Anaheim ca 92806 I was receiving Gi Benefits at school, there were some diffulicults enrolling school so I was not able to get the school to validate my enrollment I sent a letter to the education officer in okla for veterans Gi bill I request a extension the officer originally sent a letter stating that I need a honorable discharge to continue benefits which I have I explain that I received a 4yr Honor discharge in the the Persian Gulf July 15, 1998, I called the education officer to find out the result I was told that it was under review, 60 to 70 days later I receive a letter from the education officer he said that I need an honorable discharge, Im think to myself I wait this long and he totally ignore my letter I have two discharges. I was receiving the benefits and my school validate my enrollment Jan 9 2009, you can verify documents sent through wave. This guy seems like he playing games what do you think sir, I filful my first enlistment per contract which includes 40 grand for school, I mentioned the same thing in the letter which he failed to validate or look over.
contact me via email [email protected] thankyou sincerely Jerome C. Washington