I wrote to SONY the following letter (below)on May 21, 2010; SONY called me by phone to acknowledge receipt of my letter but that it was out of their hands; and their sub-contractor, ServiceNet, was in charge here. I got nowhere calling the ServiceNet number (1-866-374-0134); and SONY was unable to provide me with a mailing address for ServiceNet.
Dear SONY,
Before I launch the story of my service contract experience to a wider audience, I need one point of clarification.
On April 27, 2010 the LCD on my SONY VGN-TT190 laptop computer began to malfunction. During telephone contact with Service Net I was given instructions for returning my unit for repair.
On May 3, 2010 I received telephone notice from Service Net that coverage under my Service Plan contract was denied, alleging that physical damage was the cause of the problem.
Due to the fact that my own photo-documentation shows no physical damage (no dents, no scratches, no cracks, no sign of physical damage), I requested an explanation.