September 12, 2007
Selling polyester as silk!
It seems that every time I order something silk from Victoria's Secret, I get something either polyester or rayon. In several cases, the items were labeled silk on the tag as well as the web site and catalog. Other times, the items were labeled correctly as polyester or rayon on the tag, but Victoria's Secret was advertising them as silk on both the web site and in their catalogs. I have complained and returned the merchandise in each case, and VS has never corrected even the web site descriptions of the items. (I can provide some style numbers.) This has also happened a couple times with things that VS said were cotton that were not cotton at all, but rayon. Imagine how much this is happening if I am only one consumer ordering a few things here and there! Man-made materials such as rayon and poly are MUCH CHEAPER TO MANUFACTURE, and VS is apparently making a tidy profit off customers who simply cannot tell the difference between high-quality natural fabrics and cheap man-made ones. I am not just picky, silk launders differently, and I am allergic to unnatural materials... but it isn't that hard to tell the difference. There are simple tests one can do to determine the nature of a fabric, if you cannot tell by feel and appearance. I encourage consumers to CHECK YOUR GARMENTS or have them checked by a professional, as VS is making money off you thinking you're buying silk. SHAME ON YOU, Victoria's Secret! [Note: I have purchased a couple authentic silk items from VS, but rest assured, real silk is the exception at this company.] Aside from the fact that polyester is fabric made from PLASTIC/CRUDE OIL, Victoria's Secret is WASTING MY TIME. Every time, I have to pack up, ship back the items, and wait for credit. I have the right to buy what I want and not what I don't! VS is also losing business, as I might have chosen a different item that I would actually KEEP, if they weren't so busy lying to me to get me to buy something ELSE. But the economic damage is really to all those women out there THINKING they're buying silk (and/or cotton, on occasion). Silk sells for a lot more than man-made fabric, and thus, VS IS STEALING. There's a class-action in here somewhere... At the very least, people should contact them and/or make a big stink on the web!