Under contract with AllBrand Windows dated October 25, 2007, Polybau vinyl frame windows were installed November 19, 2007. The job consisted of nine units connected in various combinations for three windows. One window was configured incorrectly. That window displayed several problems. The most obvious was the top of the right hand side bottom sash was about an inch above the left side. All windows required considerable force for installation. All windows are out of square as a result of warping the frame at installation. The frames are too large to fit in the old frame.
The individual who measured the windows and changed the configuration of one returned to inspect the window on November 29. It was not a satisfactory visit. The installation of the correct window was scheduled for December 14, delayed to the 19th. The same problems are evident in the window. Another service call was made. The window was removed and the old frame was attacked with a two pound hammer and a SawsAll in an attempt to compensate for the bad original measurement. Reinstallation did not solve the problems.
I called December 26, to request correction of the problems. A “Service Request” was sent from AllBrands, Sunnyvale (Hasan?). Without contact from AllBrand on January 11, I called Joseph Thiers, Account Manager for help. He indicated the contract performance was “out of his hands” and to call the Regional Manager, Ryan Lucchesi, cell phone 510 719 9259. I left a message. There was no response.
On January 14, 2008, I called and was given a January 18, 9am to 12am response date. A Service Representative (Ernesto) arrived at 12:30pm. I illustrated the out of square conditions of the windows. He took pictures and indicated he will need help to remove the window.
On January 30, without contact from AllBrand I called leaving a message at their General Call Center, there was no response. On February 1, I called Anita, the only person who has responded to my calls, she got Ryan Lucchesi and he consented to inspect the windows on February 4. He arrived on time and inspected the windows and took measurements. I illustrated the out of square condition on the worst window, all of the windows have the same problem.
On February 8, Ryan called and advised “we will be installing new windows”. Again, no other contact. I call Customer Service, 510 293 5850, on March 3. I was advised that there was “nothing to be ordered or to be installed”. The Production manager was to be consulted and a call back made.
On March 4, Anita called to advise installers would arrive on March 10. They did and determined that they could not make changes to correct the problem. Again I called Ryan Lucchesi, Regional Manager on March 17 and three successive days. As of today March 27, 2008, there has been no response.
I am left with windows which are not weather tight and no evidence that AllBrand Windows or polybau will do anything about it. If you have a contract with AllBrand or are thinking of installing polybau windows give me a call I will tell you what to check before you pay them, 408 723 2854.