After attending a presentation, we were given (2) vouchers to send to VIP Travel. One voucher for Air Travel, and one for Car Rental. Following instructions, we sent voucher/activation form(s), along with (2) money orders to VIP Travel by certified mail. VIP Travel returned activation forms/money orders along with a letter stating that they would not accept the forms, because the date on the forms appeared to be altered. I e-mailed them to say that the issuing vacation club had also put a code above the date on each form and that
I saw the person who issued them to us log the code #'s on a ledger. All VIP Travel had to do was contact the sponsoring vacation club to check the authenticity of the vouchers/activation forms. I am wondering if this isn't simply VIP Travel's way of delaying the time to submit vouchers, thereby voiding our requests!! I have sent VIP Travel an e-mail explaining everything, just as I have done here and I
am waiting for their reply.