I have been trying to get two cell phones Virgin Mobile Phones connected they are in my name they have all of the information and I have talked to Customer Service, Rep over the telephone, over the internet which took some time due to the fact that the only way you get through is to have an activated phone???????????? Duh! The whole call is about activating a phone . I have two phones bought two $20.oo phone cards which one I was told is no longer any good it is attached to the phone and because I have not been able to use it there is nothing they can do I complained so thy gave me 75 minutes on the telephone which they said is repaired and ready to go along with the one $20.00 calling card. Still no activated telephone . I also talked to Ben at Technical Support who assured me the phone was activated connected et. and it is not.
The telephone still says ERROR Net Work is down Please try later that is all it has said for over one month even with all of the supposedly help I was given a new number and it was now suppose to work. It still does not work . Also with the new number when i called the new phone number from a land line in Baltimore Maryland where I live the message came on and said you need to dial a one first in front of this number ????????